Today’s POINT IS; WE HAVE PEACE WHEN WE HAVE CHRIST, All Hallmark Christmas Movies have perfect endings. We love them because they give us a warm peaceful feeling. These stories of challenge, always end with everyone finding true love and peace. But perfect endings and peace are hard to come by in reality, We all long for Peace. Perhaps that’s why we continue to watch for those cheesy movies, no matter how predictable they are. Today’s lesson is about the season of Advent. Advent is rooted in a broken world, full of injustice. People of that time waited for the one and only Creator to step from glory into this war-torn world to offer us what we all long for, everlasting peace.
I have 3 points to make this show:
- Peace Alludes in Darkness // Isaiah 8:20-22
- Peace Comes in the Light of the World // Isaiah 9:1-5
- Peace Comes through the Prince of Peace // Isaiah 9:6-7