Tracey is a grief coach and life coach who does grief on her own terms and helps people go thru the stages of grief in a way that's authentic to them. Thank you so much for continuing to support the channel. Please also follow me on IG @thewhitneywest You can find Tracey on IG @livingmyempoweredlife IG is also where you can find links to all that I have going on and offering! Sistas with Chronic Illnesses Group: www.facebook.com/groups/692432664494452/ Check out my Podcast "When Whit Happens" on all platforms. And if you haven't already done so, please take a moment to leave me a rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts! It will help me keep sharing. Lastly, you can visit my website at www.thewhitneywest.com Merchandise: https://www.thewhitneywest.com/shop