
  • [The Alchemist] Stepping into the UNKNOWN: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change

    "He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have."

    – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

    Have you ever found yourself standing on the edge of a new beginning, feeling both excitement and fear?

    What if the path to growth and transformation requires leaving behind what is familiar and comfortable?

    In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore the next stage in Santiago’s Hero’s Journey—Crossing the Threshold—from Paulo Coelho’s spiritual classic, The Alchemist.

    This is the moment when Santiago leaves the safety of his life as a shepherd to pursue his dream of realizing his Personal Legend. We discuss how this step represents the psychological and emotional leap we all must take when we commit to a new path, and how the universe supports us with allies, mentors, tests, and opportunities for growth along the way.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • The significance of Crossing the Threshold in your own life, and why commitment to change is essential for growth
    • How to recognize the tests and challenges that come after taking that leap of faith
    • The importance of allies and mentors in guiding us through unfamiliar territory
    • Why trusting the process, even in times of uncertainty, is key to discovering your personal treasure

    Actionable steps for Crossing Your Own Threshold:

    1. Take the Leap:Crossing the threshold is about commitment. Whether it’s a dream, a new project, or a life change, there comes a point where you need to fully step into the unknown. Don’t wait for all the conditions to be perfect—trust that the path will unfold as you walk it.

    2. Expect Challenges: Just like Santiago was robbed in Tangier, you will face unexpected challenges on your journey. These challenges aren’t meant to stop you—they’re meant to strengthen you. Each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.

    3. Look for Allies and Mentors: As you move forward, keep an eye out for the people who support your journey. Like Santiago meeting the crystal merchant, you will find allies along the way. These allies may not stay with you for the whole journey, but they will teach you valuable lessons that help you move forward.

    4. Trust the Process: As Coelho reminds us, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Once you’ve crossed the threshold, trust that the universe will guide you. Even when the path feels uncertain, stay committed to your Personal Legend and trust that you’re being guided toward your treasure.

    Crossing the threshold is the first step to transforming your life. Press play to begin your journey toward greater fulfillment and self-discovery.


    • Overcoming DOUBT: How to Listen to the Universe’s Signs
    • Stepping into the UNKNOWN: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change


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  • [The Alchemist] Overcoming DOUBT: How to Listen to the Universe’s Signs

    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

    Have you ever felt pulled toward something greater, but doubted if you should go for it or if you can actually have it?

    In this episode of Love & Learn, we begin our journey through Paulo Coelho’s spiritual classic, The Alchemist.

    We explore Santiago’s "Call to Adventure" and how it mirrors our own quest to discover and pursue our "Personal Legend"—our unique purpose in life.

    Using the Hero’s Journey as a framework, we break down how answering the call can transform us from within, even in the face of fear and uncertainty.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • What a Personal Legend is and why it’s more about personal fulfillment than fame or fortune
    • How to recognize your Call to Adventure and listen to the signs (omens) guiding you
    • The key stages in The Hero’s Journey and how they apply to your own life
    • The importance of overcoming fear and societal pressures to pursue your true purpose

    Whether you’re at a crossroads in life or just beginning to explore your potential, this episode offers actionable insights to help you step into your Personal Legend with courage and faith.

    Actionable steps to start pursuing your Personal Legend:

    1. Find What Has Meaning for You: Reflect on what truly excites and inspires you. Ask yourself: What did I love doing as a child? What gives my life meaning now? These clues often point to your Personal Legend. By pausing to reflect upon your own personal values you get to know who you are and what you stand for. Whatever excites your spirit, inspires your mind, moves your heart, and awakens you body is key to discovering who you are and why you are here.

    2. Overcome the Fear of the Unknown: Just like Santiago, you may need to let go of the familiar to step into the unknown. It takes courage to set priorities that match your inner values and act on them. The only people who have the power to judge you, control you or hold you back from your destiny are those whom you empower to do so. Consider what’s holding you back and what you might need to leave behind to follow your heart.

    3. Trust the Process: As Coelho reminds us, “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Trust that when you answer the call, the universe will support you in unexpected ways. Tell yourself “I am a unique, authentic, radiant being, living my true values with commitment and divine support. I honor who I am the Universe honors me.”

    Answering your call to adventure is the first step to living a more fulfilled and purposeful life. Press play to begin exploring your Personal Legend and unlocking the treasure within.


    • Overcoming DOUBT: How to Listen to the Universe’s Signs
    • Stepping into the UNKNOWN: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Change


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    1 時間 6 分
  • [A Course in Miracles] Lesson 2: You are the MEANING MAKER

    "Lesson 2 is part of a larger journey of "unlearning" the meanings we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe."

    The aim of the second lesson of the Workbook is to recognize that we project our own thoughts, judgments, and meanings onto everything we see. It's about realizing that what we see is not objective but shaped by our personal interpretations and experiences.

    LESSON #2 (From A Course in Miracles Workbook)

    I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.

    The exercises with this idea are the same as those for the first one. Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on. Then increase the range outward. Turn your head so that you include whatever is on either side. If possible, turn around and apply the idea to what was behind you. Remain as indiscriminate as possible in selecting subjects for its application, do not concentrate on anything in particular, and do not attempt to include everything you see in a given area, or you will introduce strain.

    Merely glance easily and fairly quickly around you, trying to avoid selection by size, brightness, color, material, or relative importance to you. Take the subjects simply as you see them. Try to apply the exercise with equal ease to a body or a button, a fly or a floor, an arm or an apple. The sole criterion for applying the idea to anything is merely that your eyes have lighted on it. Make no attempt to include anything particular, but be sure that nothing is specifically excluded.

    As you practice this lesson, know that you are taking a step toward freedom—freedom from the past, from fear, from old pain stories, and from the limitations we’ve placed on ourselves. I can’t wait to hear how Lesson 2 resonates with you, and I’m here to support you every week.


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  • [A Return to Love] Surrender is FAITH IN ACTION

    "Surrender means the decision to stop fighting the world and start loving it instead." – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

    Have you ever found yourself clinging to control, thinking it would bring you safety, only to realize it held you back? What if surrender isn’t about giving up, but about embracing love and allowing life to flow?

    In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore the transformative power of surrender as taught in Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. We dive into how surrender opens the door to acceptance and peace, allowing us to release the burdens of control and fear around food, relationships, and our career.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • The connection between surrender and self-acceptance
    • Why letting go of control can lead to deeper connections with ourselves and others
    • Practical ways to cultivate surrender in your daily life
    • Insights on how surrender invites miracles and breakthroughs

    Whether you’re struggling with the need for control or are ready to embrace the unknown, this episode offers actionable insights to help you find freedom through surrender.

    Press play to start transforming your relationship with control and experience the peace that comes from surrendering to love.

    Actionable steps to practice surrender in your life:

    1. Pause and Reflect: When you catch yourself trying to control a situation or feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to pause. Reflect on how this need for control is affecting you. Ask yourself: What is trying to control this situation doing to my mind, body, and soul? Suffering is caused by resistance. Suffering = Pain x Resistance. When we resist change in our life we suffer.Allow yourself to recognize where control and resisting uncertainty is creating stress and preventing you from experiencing peace and new pathways.

    2. Use the I Don’t Know Mantra: When you feel stuck in fear or uncertainty, use the mantra “I don’t know.” or “I don’t know, but God does”. Silently repeat it to yourself, opening up to the freedom that comes with not having to have all the answers. You can either fear the mystery of life or love it. Loving it will open your heart and mind to possibilities and leave you with much greater peace in the present, which is where we create from.

    3. Set an Intention to Surrender: Choose one situation where you feel tension or anxiety. Consciously set the intention to surrender it. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up; rather, you’re choosing to let go of the emotional weight and persistent anxiety it carries. Say to yourself, "Dear God or Dear Universe, I’m feeling anxious about this, but I’m willing see it differently. I’m willing to trust your guidance and the process".

    Surrender is about finding freedom. Tune in to learn how to embrace this powerful practice in your life.


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    • Living From Love, Not Fear
    • How to Invite Miracles Into Your Life
    • Forgiving Yourself and Others No Matter


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  • [A Return to Love] Forgiving Yourself and Others NO MATTER WHAT

    "Forgiveness is the key to inner peace because it is the mental technique by which our thoughts are transformed from fear to love." – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

    Have you ever held onto a grudge, thinking it protected you, only to realize it weighed you down? What if forgiveness isn’t about excusing others but freeing yourself from pain?

    In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore the transformative power of forgiveness as taught in Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. We dive deep into how forgiveness allows us to let go of the past, make room for miracles, and shift our perception from fear to love.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • How forgiveness is the bridge from fear to love
    • Why holding onto anger keeps us stuck in the past
    • How to start seeing people as they are now, rather than through the lens of past hurt
    • A powerful Hawaiian forgiveness prayer to integrate into your daily life

    Whether you’re struggling to forgive others or yourself, this episode offers actionable insights to help you release the emotional weight and open your heart to healing.

    Press play to start transforming your relationships and experience the inner peace that forgiveness brings.

    Actionable steps to apply forgiveness in your own li

    1. Pause and Reflect: When you find yourself holding onto anger or resentment, ask yourself: What is holding onto this grudge doing to my mind, body, and soul? Recognizing its weight is the first step in releasing it.

    2. Use the Ho’oponopono Prayer: A simple yet profound Hawaiian practice for reconciliation and forgiveness, the prayer consists of four phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” Use it with intention to release emotional burdens and open your heart to love.

    3. Make Forgiveness a Daily Practice: Each day, choose a person or situation you feel tension around and set an intention to forgive. Say to yourself, Dear God, I’m angry at this person, but I’m willing to see this situation differently. This practice is more about a willingness to let go of emotional burdens rather than excusing behavior.

    Forgiveness is freedom. It opens the door to love and inner peace. Tune in to learn how to embrace this powerful practice in your life.


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    • How to Invite Miracles Into Your Life
    • Forgiving Yourself and Others No Matter


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  • [A Course in Miracles] Lesson 1: ON MEANING

    "A closed mind that thinks it already understands is not open to learning."

    A Course In Miracles is about love. It’s about relinquishing a thought system based on fear and accepting instead a thought system based on love. You do not need to be religious, nor even identify with the word “God.” The only prerequisite is that you seek to become more or yourself, to develop a deeper sense of peace, joy, and love in your life.

    I encourage you to remain open to this change. When you are receptive, you will receive the most benefit from it.

    According to the introduction for the workbook for students of A Course In Miracles:

    “The exercises are very simple. They do not require a great deal of time, and it does not matter where you do them. They need no preparation. The workbook is designed for daily use for a training period of one year and it’s recommended to not undertake more than one set of exercises a day."

    Here on Love & Learn, we will be taking a much slower pace and covering a daily lesson each week.”

    A general rule the comes from the introduction to the workbook for students says the following:

    “Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, do not decide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to which the ideas are inapplicable, whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.”

    This first lesson of the Workbook begins the process of opening our minds to the possibility that we may not know what we think we know, we may not really understand what we think we understand. A closed mind that thinks it already understands is not open to learning. Because we believe our safety is in what we believe to be true, we are not likely to welcome something that is telling us the opposite. So with today’s lesson, the Workbook gently begins the process of loosening our grip on what we have believed to be true and bringing it to question.

    As we make our way to Lesson 1, I want to encourage you stay curious, keep an open mind and an open heart

    LESSON #1 (From A Course in Miracles Workbook)

    Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything.

    Now look slowly around you, and practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see:

    • This table does not mean anything.
    • This chair does not mean anything.
    • This hand does not mean anything.
    • This foot does not mean anything.
    • This pen does not mean anything.

    Then look farther away from your immediate area, and apply the idea to a wider range:

    • That door does not mean anything.
    • That body does not mean anything.
    • That lamp does not mean anything.
    • That sign does not mean anything.
    • That shadow does not mean anything.

    Notice that these statements are not arranged in any order, and make no allowance for differences in the kinds of things to which they are applied. That is the purpose of the exercise. The statement should merely be applied to anything you see. As you practice the idea for the day, use it totally indiscriminately, meaning without preference for one thing over another.

    Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, for these exercises should not become ritualistic. Only be sure that nothing you see is specifically excluded. One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned.

    Each of the first three lessons should not be done more than twice a day, preferably morning and evening. Nor should they be attempted for more than a minute or so, unless that entails a sense of hurry. A comfortable sense of leisure is essential.


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  • [A Return to Love] How to INVITE MIRACLES Into Your Life

    “A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

    Have you ever wondered how to invite miracles into your life? What if the key to unlocking miracles isn’t about changing your circumstances but changing how you perceive them?

    In this episode of Love & Learn, we dive deeper into A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson to explore how shifting your perception from fear to love can invite healing and miracles into your life.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • How miracles happen when we shift our perception from fear to love
    • Why changing your mind about a situation can lead to inner peace and transformation
    • Practical ways to invite miracles into your life by aligning with love and releasing fear
    • Actionable steps you can take to apply this shift in perception to your daily life

    Whether you’re facing a difficult situation at work, in a relationship, or within yourself, this episode will guide you in seeing things differently and opening the door to miracles. Press play to learn how a simple shift in perception can change everything.

    Actionable steps to apply the concept of love over fear in your own life:

    1. Pause and Reflect: When you’re in the middle of a stressful or fearful situation, take a moment to pause. Before reacting, ask yourself: Am I seeing this situation through the lens of fear or love?According to A Course in Miracles, 'Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.' This simple pause can help break the cycle of automatic, fear-based responses and allow space for a different perspective to emerge.

    2. Choose Love Over Being Right: In moments of conflict or tension—whether at work, in relationships, or within yourself—make a conscious choice to value connection over being right. Invite God in to help you see this situation differently. Say the magic words, “Dear God, I am willing to see this differently.” From here you will bring more love into this situation, rather than solely trying to control or prove your point. This mindset shift creates a path toward healing and understanding rather than deepening the divide.

    3. Focus on What You Can Control: When faced with a challenging situation, break it down into two categories: what you can control and what you cannot. By focusing on what you can control—your thoughts, your actions, your reactions—you create the space for a miracle. Instead of trying to manipulate outcomes, you’re empowered by taking ownership of your perception and actions. This often leads to unexpected solutions or changes in the situation, because your energy shifts from fear to love and trust.


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    • Living From Love, Not Fear
    • How to Invite Miracles Into Your Life
    • Forgiving Yourself and Others No Matter
    • Surrender is Faith in Action


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  • [A Return to Love] Living from Love, NOT FEAR

    "This book is written as a guide to the miraculous application of love as a balm on every wound. Whether our psychic pain is in the area of relationships, health, career, or elsewhere, love is a potent force, the cure, the Answer.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

    Have you ever wondered how fear might be holding you back, keeping you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you? What if love is the answer to unlocking the peace and fulfillment you’ve been searching for?

    In this first episode of Love & Learn, we dive into Marianne Williamson’s transformative book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles, to explore how shifting from fear to love can radically change your life.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover:

    • The difference between love and fear in our thoughts and decisions
    • How love can be a healing force for any pain we experience—whether in relationships, health, or career
    • Practical tips to recognize when fear is driving your decisions
    • Actionable steps you can take to start shifting from fear to love today

    Whether you’re stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, anxiety, or worry, or simply seeking more joy, connection, and authenticity, this episode will guide you to start making that powerful shift from fear to love. Press play to begin your healing journey!

    Actionable steps to apply the concept of love over fear in your own life:

    1. Pause and Reflect: When you’re faced with a decision, ask yourself: Is this coming from a place of fear or love? Notice where fear and love show up in your body. I find that fear is more contractive and heavy, whereas love is more expansive and light.

    2. Daily Affirmations: Start your day by reminding yourself that love is your natural state. A simple affirmation like “I choose love over fear today” can reframe your mindset.

    3. Acts of Kindness: Love doesn’t always have to be a grand gesture. Even small acts of kindness are ways to reaffirm that you’re living from love rather than fear. This can be kindness directed toward others and yourself.


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    • Forgiving Yourself and Others No Matter


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