
  • Black Man / Brown Man / Tan Man / White Man / Hue-man

    Ep.12: Black Man / Brown Man / Tan Man / White Man / Hue-man: Speaking for me open the door for more / How see things, do strange, tighten my ribs i'm core / in Love with beauty, I'm pure. JaMes speaks up about slavery, racism and his perceptions, thoughts on such as being a Godly free man in 2025. Free to speak, do, feel, and be as I want to. Do Our governments, social media, society have some sorts of control, why of course if not all control of some soul. The excuse, bitching, complaining that most do by blaming society, government surrounding is met with a spiky lash that Mr. BasTiEn places over his lap and spanked with words of wisdom with lessons like learning to take accountability for such man or wombman livelihood. Be able to change your surrounding by affirming, visualizing, and manifesting the life you've desired. Most take ownership (Own your ship).

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it

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    1 時間 2 分
  • Poetry + Motion = Moetry

    Ep.11: Moetry: This is, for the lover in you

    Mr.BasTiEn's performs through audio poetries / Moetries

    Find these Poems here: https://www.amazon.com/S%C3%88-LAVI-MOI-INITIATIVE/dp/1672859824

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it

    続きを読む 一部表示
    25 分
  • Conversions ( Noises ) vs meditation ( intuition + Inner POWER = Silence )

    Ep.10: Conversions ( Noises ) vs meditation (intuition + Inner POWER = Silence) : Whom guides your days, do you? Is it your surroundings? (People - Places - Things). Differentiating the power that mediation provides while dealing in a fast-paced society and how being intuitive brings inner excellence amongst spiritual purposes. Conversations / outer noises is what we have to deal with as hue-mans, comprehending we are the ultimate multitasking living beings as we can alternate our surroundings by people, places, and things. Positive and negativity are traits that propel us closer to our divine calling, like energy fields, devils and Gods are all perceptional views of where you allow and giving time to.

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it

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    38 分
  • Se Lavi De Moi: By 9 Initiative book analyzation

    Ep.9: Se Lavi De Moi: By 9 Initiative - book analyzation / Mr. BasTiEn depicts his first published book title Se Lavi De Moi meanings by purposes. written in the genres form of Biography, spirituality, Self-help, JaMes also expresses reasoning to write parts as initiatives rather than chapters, not cursing or utilizing programmer, why not make an audio version of book. Every initiative is analyzed and decoded with JaMes direct explanations of such in the diverse meanings behind such statements. Also, Mr. BasTiEn reads out three poems from this book, stay tuned and received this message in tranquility.


    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it'

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 55 分
  • M.O.B. Life Development courses / Course 1- Mindset & Nutrition Series

    Ep.8: M.O.B. Life Development courses / Course 1- Mindset & Nutrition Series: Mr.BasTiEn shares the purpose and goal behind wellness / fitness company Mind Over Body which also has a book that discusses the companies and viewership's while also providing the knowledge, educational teaching methods amongst training the mindset that is empowered by ones intuitive will power. Utilizing food as to be medicine and comprehending all that is needed is available in all plants, roots, and minerals. If haven't yet, get yourcelf a copy of this book to learn the mental and nutritional strength of having a strong mind to overcome the body and surroundings weaknesses.

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it

    続きを読む 一部表示
    29 分
  • What is a Man in 2025

    Ep.7: What is a Man in 2025: in this episode, JaMes expresses the man and woman role constant changes with our social standards and moral and principles through civilization being altered. In this episode, Mr.basTiEn decodes varies of topic including:

    *Setting morals and principles on the social construct of the male gender

    *LGBTQ changing society rules

    *The relationship roles and behavior of a man

    *leadership & finance, ownership and accountability

    *The lack of respect for manhood and wombman hood

    *Confining into your care abouts

    *Moving with a purpose

    *Be transparent and yours views and believes

    *Balancing a respectful life the people, places, and things share with

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it

    続きを読む 一部表示
    36 分
  • Inner Excellence vs Outer Detriment

    Episode 6: Mr.BasTiEn decodes the social education of love. We are taught and trained to love outward amongst the people, places, and things we love which connects us to care much more deeply amongst outer love rather than experiencing of inner Celf love. With education, social standards complying us to become followers in an influencing world, making assembly line thinkers rather those who can think for themselves. In this conversation, JaMes breaks down how inner excellence is subjugated through our upraising as some were provided the tools to love, believe, and respect Celf unconditionally and vice versa were thought to be obedient to their surroundings decision makings or believes systems. Are you a leader, or a follower? Time shall tell, energy is time so be careful and patient to the energies you place in you or around yourcelf amongst people, places, and things.

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it. ✍🏿 J.P.B. ~ 9 #cellsofcelf💜.

    Mr.Bastiens 9 Tablets | Spirituality

    Affirm- Visualize - Manifest | Instagram | Linktree

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    1 時間 11 分
  • Sacred Energy Xchange

    Episode 5: In this episode, Mr.BasTiEn propel his knowledge, comprehension and experience in SEX which is an acronym meaning in full Sacred Energy xchange. In this discussion, JaMes decode our upraising by teachings of love through sex and vice versa. Celf love and Celf care comes second as we learn to love outward before inward which takes away any individual to define love or sex amongst such personal meaning for them rather than what's been educated and told to be sex or love. Mr.BasTiEn express some of his sexual practices like semen retention and the disciplined needed in sex to attract and maturate the purposeful partner or partners. With some poetry performance, this episode while depth with knowledge, also provides entertainment, joy and peace in clarity of the diversity that sacred energy xchange means in each of peculiar living lifes.

    "My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona

    Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.

    Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien

    In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor

    To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions

    The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades

    Presented in procreation

    This is MB9T Podcast show

    May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it. ✍🏿 J.P.B. ~ 9 #cellsofcelf💜.

    Mr.Bastiens 9 Tablets | Spirituality

    Affirm- Visualize - Manifest | Instagram | Linktree

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    59 分