Welcome back to USMLE Listen MICROBIOLOGY Chapter 4: GRAM POSITIVE BACTERIA ONLY. Whether you’re on a run or driving, this is The PERFECT podcast to initiate your auditory learning for the USMLE Step 1!
In this episode, it’s all about USMLE-important Gram-Positive Bacteria.
- Identifying Features of Staph/Strept
- Review EACH USMLE critical bacteria that are gram-positive
- Features
- Transmission & Predisposing Factors
- Pathogenesis
- Diseases Associated
- Treatment
- Important to Know Info!
- Features
- 4 Scenarios of Gastroenteritis and the importance of TIMING!
- Most common types of pneumonia and underlying conditions associated with them!
As always, you can email us at USMLElisten@gmail.com for your questions, anything you need to be cleared, or suggestions on how we can improve and initiate your auditory learning for the USMLE Step 1. Sources for USMLE LISTEN include First Aid, Osmosis, Uworld, and Kaplan study guides. This is Mark Labella, you can follow or message me on Instagram at markjlabella. See you in the next episode for your auditory learning at USMLE LISTEN!