
  • EPISODE 31: A Primer for Understanding the Digital World Order
    We feature a compilation of audio clips of experts in their respective fields talking about how artificial intelligence and supercomputers can create a sentient world simulation. This electromagnetic targeting program affects us all and is intrinsically part of the military's Full Spectrum Dominance concept. We must ask ourselves if this virtual reality or matrix is beneficial for humanity, or if it is designed to control and ultimately, enslave us.
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  • EPISODE 30: Political Control Technology with H. Michael Sweeney
    On this episode, we have an interview with H. Michael Sweeney conducted in February 2012. Mister Sweeney is an author and consultant in privacy and security with a specialty in Political Control Technology and New World Order abuse of power issues. He's written three books in the Professional Paranoid Series as how-to primers for detection and defense against the dark arts of targeting of individuals by any person, group, or agency, and several fiction works; most notably, Fatal Rebirth, which not only reveal the New World Order agenda but which predicted the downing of the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11 and the resulting series of Middle East oil wars, as well as an assassination attempt against a Presidential candidate which also came to pass.
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  • EPISODE 29: Remote Neural Monitoring and Electromagnetic Targeting with Renee Pittman
    A compilation of stories from Targeted Individuals and experts about mind control technologies. Human Rights Advocate, Renee Pittman takes you down the Rabbit Hole into ongoing scientific nonconsensual human experimentation; literally, the "Crime of the Century" with an in-depth view into historical research, covert ongoing testing, and development programs combined with today's use of highly advanced beamed psycho-physical, psychological electronic mind invasive Remote Neural Monitoring patented technologies. Music provided by Vibrating Sound - Beware of Mind Games - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTyOrvUl9Lk
    Renee's website is http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
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  • EPISODE 28: The Matrix Deciphered Chapter 1 - written by Dr. Robert Duncan and narrated by Elana Freeland
    Here is the first chapter of "The Matrix Deciphered" written by Robert Duncan as read by Elana Freeland. Released in 2006, The Matrix Deciphered is Duncan's introductory writing on a variety of topics including electronic mind control, remote neural monitoring, V2K, gang stalking, and exposes the perpetrators behind these programs. Robert Duncan was a key source on the mechanics of a program he called Project Soulcatcher, the electronic synthesis of humanity within a virtual world, a world connected to and shaping reality as we know it.
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  • EPISODE 27: Illuminati Mind Control with Cisco Wheeler
    On today's show. we have a rare interview from 1998 as Wayne Morris from CKLN in Canada talks with Cisco Wheeler. She is a former Illuminati mind control survivor and co-author of "The Illuminati Method Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" and "Deeper Insights" books about trauma-based mind control. Cisco claims that she was programmed by Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele and her father, who was trained by Mengele in mind control techniques. Cisco's family's military and political connections run deep and is a descendant of U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant. Her father, an Illuminati and Masonic grandmaster, and mind control programmer, conditioned Cisco from infancy with sexual abuse and severe trauma. She was trained to sexually service the political elite and other dignitaries.
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  • EPISODE 26: What is Gangstalking?
    On today's show, we feature a narration titled, What is Gang Stalking? Gang stalking or group stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by several people, known as perpetrators. This nefarious act is sometimes done in conjunction with electronic harassment in order to cause extreme discomfort within the victims. This episode is dedicated to the late, Dr. Robert Duncan, who recently passed away and had extensively researched and written about mind control technologies.
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    Project Monarch appears to have been an "unofficial" trauma-based mind control program associated with MKULTRA to fragment a person's psyche into dissociative identities. These alters or personalities are programmed with specific triggers, enabling the manipulation and switching between them for various tasks, functions, and operations. Could some individuals be sleeper assassins, super soldiers, and "stars" implanted within the entertainment industry? For more information, go to the MKZINE Facebook page and read Ron Patton's article, PROJECT MONARCH: NAZI MIND CONTROL.
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  • Episode 24: MILABS - MILITARY MIND CONTROL AND ALIEN ABDUCTIONS with Dr. Helmut Lammer and Whitley Strieber
    Today's show starts with Jeff Rense interviewing Dr. Helmut Lammer, co-author of the book, MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction. It's an in-depth look at the history of behavioral modification experiments, focusing on alleged kidnappings of "alien" abductees by covert military intelligence personnel. In the second half of the program, we have author and alleged alien abductee, Whitley Strieber talking about his recovered memories of a child which included missing time and abuse. Whitley wonders if he was part of a top-secret program with other gifted children that included the implantation of screen memories.
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