
  • An interview with the MO Rice Lady: Amy Beth Dowdy

    On this episode of the podcast, the Justins catch up with Amy Beth Dowdy, otherwise known as the MO Rice Lady. Amy Beth is one of the most renowned rice consultants in Missouri and the Mid-south. The three talk about how rice production has changed over the years, what struggles Missouri rice is facing this year, and struggles to come.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    43 分
  • Introducing Adre Reis: MU Soybean Agronomist and Extension Specialist

    On this episode of the podcast, Justin sits down with the new soybean agronomist and extension specialist for the University of Missouri, Dr. Andre Reis. The two discuss Andre's background and experience as well as his plans for upcoming work and outreach efforts.

    Andre Reis: areis@missouri.edu

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    33 分
  • Pre-plant Cotton Considerations

    On this episode of the MO Crops Podcast, the guys from the Delta Center sit down to talk about the upcoming cotton planting season. They cover most of the major issues surrounding pre-plant decisions.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    40 分
  • Jordon Wade: What is Soil Health?

    On this episode of the podcast, the Justins talk with Dr. Jordon Wade with the MU Soil Health Assesment Center. They discuss what soil health is, how testing can be beneficial, and what types of information can be collected.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    37 分
  • Spray Drones with James Rose

    In this episode of the MO Crops Podcast, Justin talks with James Rose of Southern States Drones, LLC. They discuss the technology and utility of utilizing drones to apply pesiticides and fertilizers in cropping systems.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    49 分
  • Looking Forward to 2023 at the FDREEC

    On this episode of the podcast, both Justins, Bradley, and Chase discuss what they have learned throughout the offseason in conferences and how that is influencing their future projects in 2023.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrjL

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    41 分
  • Flying Solo: Corn, Soybean, and Peanuts

    On this episode of the MO Crops Podcast, Justin shares his 2022 experiences in extension and research for corn, soybean, and peanuts. He hits the highlights of some exciting research projects that were initiated in 2022 and will continue to be conducted into 2023.

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    48 分
  • 2022 Rice Review

    On this episode of the MO Crops Podcast, the Justins sit down and discuss the 2022 rice season. The guys discuss what happened from an extension perspective as well as some data and results coming out of the MU Rice Agronomy program.

    Transcriptions for all episodes of the MO Crops Podcast can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONsIvN2K5JSQMbzR9a3gK-WJEd9OUrj

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    40 分