Having grown up in San Diego, a city with around 1.4 million people, I was shocked when I discovered that the Republic of Montenegro had less than half of San Diego’s population. I was fascinated to learn that I myself am older than this country. After the fall of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1992, two member states, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro maintained their political status as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which later transformed into the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in 2003. Then, the Republic of Montenegro gained independence and seceded from their political union on June 3rd, 2006 which makes me older than Montenegro by 1 year, 2 months and 28 days to be exact. Considering the small population, I was excited to meet my new friend from Montenegro, Dunja. My friend Dunja continuously described how Montenegro is geographically blessed with an incredible coastline and majestic mountains that would be covered in snow during the winter season. She even explained how in some parts of the country, one can find themself surrounded by mountains while swimming in the ocean! However, despite having incredible nature and delicious food, Dunja is worried about how many young people do not foresee a future in Montenegro which is resulting in hundreds of Montenegrin citizens wanting to move abroad.