2 Stories highlighting Jesus' power over demons and power to heal.
#### I. Christ subdues the Demon Possessed Man v.1-20
- characteristics of a \*demonized person -
- tombs - darkness and death
- supernatural strength
- out of control - no one can subdue!
- self-harm
- crying out
- detection of other persons - Legion
- The worst case in Scripture.
- Demons recognize Christ - Son of the Most High God
- Ask Jesus not to torture them.
- Christ cast demons unclean spirits into unclean animals
- commit suicide.
- Subdues the Demonized Man
- Sitting. Listening - Learning.
- Clothed.
- Right mind - sound mind/Self-control.
- [ ] Go home and tell everyone how **the Lord** has had mercy - tells everyone what **Jesus** had one for him.
- why Tell everyone vs. tell no one? 1:44-45 - hindered Christ's ability to enter towns and preach freely. Distracted from his message.
- [ ] Feel that you experience something that seems demonic - lack of control.... deep into sin... Appeal to Christ who has power. Find a serious disciple of Jesus.
#### II. Heals Two Daughters v.21-43
- \*Ruler of the Synagogue - Jewish Worship Gathering Place - like a church.
- preside over and keep order in the local synagogue
- select readers, teachers
- examine content of public speakers
- Faith of Jairus - come and lay your hands on her...
- Faith of a Woman with a discharge of blood -
- Unhealeable. Wasted all of her money on doctors. Even harmed by her doctors.
- "If I touch his garment - made well."
- One says, "If you lay hands on my daughter, she'll be well."
- The other - If I lay my hands on him - "I will be well."
- Christ affirms the woman - Your faith has made you well.
- Jairus - "Do not fear, only believe."
- People laugh at him.
- Raises her up.
### Truth
Christ the Son of the Most High has power over demons and over disease.
- Christ can tame the untame-able.
- He can heal the unheale-able.
#### Application
- Is your life out of control? Slave to Sin, or a slave to Christ? Are you subdued under Christ's power?
- Christ can subdue your heart, set you free from Satan's oppression.
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The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)
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