Friend of The Movie Guys Mark Elias returns to The Admiral's Club with a new project - Boy Makes Girl, a new sci-fi drama/romance/comedy about a computer programmer who builds a female companion to cope with a challenging world. There's all manner of good indie film talk here as Mark reflects on taking the reins of writer, producer and star of the film. Like good movie talk? Please subscribe! Website: www.themovieguys.net The Ford Fiesta: https://apple.co/3s3Om9l The TMG Interview: https://apple.co/3c21SEI The Movie Showcast: https://apple.co/3eXSrrW Countdown to Nine: https://bit.ly/38XVDzS YouTube (The Movie Guys): https://www.youtube.com/TheMovieGuys YouTube (The Movie Guys LIVE): Youtube.com/user/TheMovieGuysLIVE Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/themovieguys Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMovieGuys Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMovieGuys Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themovieguys/ Tumblr: https://themovieguys.tumblr.com/