Martial arts are found in every culture and in our country alone there are an estimated 10,000,000 active practitioners at any one time. A physical art, it also brings emotional and psychological benefits. Whether for self defense, conditioning, or beauty, the arts bring more than just physical well being. Most of us come to it hoping that it will lead us to power and often it does. But the female roles and the male roles are different. Males need to find control of their emotions in battle. Women need to find their voice and their way of being a Warrior and being Woman. And Sensei. We all hoped to find one who, like Yoda, could lead us inside to find our power. But the skills of being a sensei are many and require training in many fields. For forty years we have taught physical and maturational skills in the dojo. Join us for a discussion of the way to power through the martial arts and beyond.