
  • Faith, Books, and Bonfires: Inside Mary Queen's Young Adult Ministry Activities

    Chrissy Heren and David Agtarap, representatives of the young adult ministry at Mary Queen, are the featured guests for this episode.

    What's Happening in Young Adult Ministry?

    The young adults at Mary Queen are actively engaged in nurturing their spiritual growth and building a supportive community. Here's a glimpse of current activities:

    • Bible Study and Adoration: Every Tuesday evening, they gather at the Lighthouse from 6:30 to 7:30 PM for Bible study. Following that, there is Adoration from 7:30 to 8:30 PM in the church. It's a perfect mid-week spiritual recharge!
    • Book Club: Join MQ YA every fourth Thursday of the month for our book club. They recently finished "The Fulfillment of All Desire" by Ralph Martin and are starting a new book, "Men, Women and the Mystery of Love" by Edward Sri.
    • Fellowship Events: Social gatherings include bonfires, trivia nights, board games, and bowling nights. These events foster meaningful connections among young adults from different walks of life.

    Get Involved:

    Are you or someone you know interested in joining our vibrant community? Feel free to drop by the Lighthouse on Tuesday nights or email us at MQyoungadults@mail.com. You will be welcomed with open arms, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

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  • Encouraging Young Adult Involvement in the Church: A Discussion with Benny and Brennan Towles

    Brennan and Benny Towles join Jennifer for this episode to discuss the importance of young adult ministry, personal growth, and the power of community in faith development. Here are three key takeaways:

    • Community Building: Brennan and Benny emphasize the importance of having a strong community. Being a part of a group helps share joys and challenges and can make individuals feel seen, supported, and valued in their faith journey.
    • Inclusion and Connection: Benny's approach to being inclusive teaches us that opening our circles to diverse individuals can lead to unexpected friendships and personal enrichment. This inclusivity extends beyond large events to personalized interactions, such as inviting someone for coffee or dinner.
    • Serve and Grow Together: Both guests highlight how their involvement in young adult ministry and their photography business have deepened their faith. They emphasize how serving others joyfully can bring personal growth, joy, and a sense of purpose.

    Catch the full episode for more insights on cultivating a vibrant young adult community and faith-driven entrepreneurship.

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  • James Nelson’s Battle with Demons and Finding Peace in Catholicism

    James Nelson shares his heartfelt journey from a life filled with materialism and addiction to finding peace and transformation through the Catholic faith. James recounts his initial skepticism and atheism, his supernatural encounters with malevolent forces, and how a Christmas Midnight Mass catalyzed his spiritual awakening. He details his inquiry & OCIA process into Catholicism, the support he received from the Mary Queen community, and the significance of meaningful worship and joyful service. Emphasizing the importance of humility, gratefulness, and the sustaining power of Jesus, James discusses how his newfound faith has led to profound personal changes and offers encouragement for others seeking a spiritual path.

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  • Parish Rosary Novena Day 9: Joyful Mysteries
    • The Annunciation
    • The Visitation
    • The Birth of Jesus
    • The Presentation
    • The Finding of the Child Jesus

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  • Parish Rosary Novena Day 8: Glorious Mysteries
    • The Resurrection
    • The Ascension
    • The Descent of the Holy Spirit
    • The Assumption of Mary
    • The Coronation of the Blessed Mother

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  • Parish Rosary Novena Day 7: Joyful Mysteries
    • The Annunciation
    • The Visitation
    • The Birth of Jesus [The Nativity]
    • The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
    • Finding Jesus in the Temple

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  • Parish Rosary Novena Day 6: Sorrowful Mysteries

    Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries with us:

    • The Agony in the Garden
    • The Scourging at the Pillar
    • The Crowning with Thorns
    • The Carrying of the Cross
    • The Crucifixion and Death

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  • Parish Rosary Novena Day 5: Luminous Mysteries

    Recorded at the Mary Queen School Full School Rosary on September 26, 2024

    The First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan

    The Second Luminous Mystery: The Wedding Feast at Cana

    The Third Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom

    The Fourth Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration

    The Fifth Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist

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