Have you ever had those feelings of fear and anxiety about something you’re uncertain about? As the uncertainty swirls around in our brains, that strong sense of overwhelm creeps in. And by then, well, it's so hard to see anything clearly.
What would we do without people like Georgie Collison, Australia’s #1 Anxiety Therapist and Author of the Anxiety Reset Method to help guide us through?
On this episode of the Let’s Check In Podcast, your host, Suzie McErvale, explores how we might learn to work alongside our emotions, rather than feel embarrassed or resentful towards them.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- How to live a happier life
- What embracing anxiety actually means
- How to work alongside feelings and emotions
- How to stop shaming and suppressing emotions
Want to find out more?
You can head to the Let’s Check In Podcast website.
You can also check in with Suzie and the Let’s Check In Podcast team on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tik Tok.