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Matthew 5:4 is the text for this sermon entitled, "The Second Beatitude: Those Who Mourn."
What does the New Testament mean by the verb "to mourn"? We review the basic meaning of the Greek word and look at a number of verses that provide examples of mourning for the harm to or loss of people, tragic events, poor spiritual health, and sin.
- Mt. 9:15 wedding guests mourn when the bridegroom is taken away
- Mt. 24:30 tribulation of spiritual warfare
- I Cor. 5:2 sexual immorality
And what does Jesus promise to those who mourn? He offers the promise of God's comfort.
- Genesis 24:67 Isaac after his mother Sarah's death
- Psm. 23:4 Comfort of the shepherd and his tools
- Psm. 77:2 In the day of my trouble
- Psm. 119:50, 52, 76 God's promises, the rules of old, God's steadfast love
- Mt. 2:18 The death of the male infants ages 0-2 years
- Acts 9:31 The church experienced peace
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 sharing in Christ's sufferings and comfort
- 2 Corinthians 13:11 Christians should comfort one another