In this episode of Enemy of My Truth, Anne sits down with Meegan Sciretto of Plant Yourself Medicine, a holistic healer specializing in active breathwork. Meegan shares her journey of self-discovery and healing, revealing how breathwork became a transformative tool in her life and the lives of those she works with.
Anne and Meegan open up about their individual journeys, sharing the challenges they’ve faced, the lessons they’ve learned, and how their paths led them to the work they do today. Their conversation highlights the power of personal growth, resilience, and the continuous evolution of self-discovery.
You can learn more about Meegan - Visit - https://www.plantyourselfmedicine.com/
To learn more about The Live Zoom Psychic Development Class being offered by Anne on April 4, 2025 - Visit - www.annedonnell.com/offerings
To learn more about Anne's first Intuitive Psychic Development Weekend Retreat on October 10-13, 2025 - Visit - www.annedonnell.com/weekendretreat
To book a 1:1 appointment with Anne - visit www.annedonnell.com/offerings