Join the NEW 2025 MomAdvice Book Club and discover 12 incredible novels together along with many interactive author discussions for this year’s festivities.
It's my favorite day of the year (CUE THE CONFETTI) and I'm so excited to invite you to the 2025 MomAdvice Book Club! This year, we're mixing things up to make your book club experience even more immersive and engaging.
As I've done in years past, I've curated twelve fantastic reads spanning genres like historical fiction, romance, contemporary fiction, and even a touch of horror—there's something for everyone this year!
To discover this year's selections, you can head to today's post, which includes all the details, including the recommended format, the reading mood of the novel, and pacing information. Each description also offers the accompanying reader experience, which is PRETTY EPIC this year. After discussing what changes you want to see this year, I hope you'll be excited to experience this with me.
I've also uploaded a podcast going through each of these books for those of you that prefer an audio experience with some behind-the-scenes details. I hope you'll join me on this reading adventure!
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