
  • Who, What and Where are Angels, and Why Now?
    In an international study, 75 percent of participants said they believe in angels and of those, 36 percent indicated they had an angel experience or encounter. Scott Geurin, our Guest today, will help us understand and connect with Angels. He will introduce us to the history of angels throughout religion, science, and psychology and their dimensional levels of existence. Where do we and angels fit in? Who and what are Spirit Teams and do we all have one? What about ‘The Rapture’? Do angels have free will? And, of course, we’ll talk about our Guardian Angels. Through all of this, Scott helps us connect with Angels and our Spirit Team and shares why it is so important right now. His book is Looking for Angels: A Guide to Understanding and Connecting with Angels
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  • Angelic Help For Your Animal Companions
    Tom T Moore introduces us to our ability to use The Most Benevolent Outcome from his The Gentle Way series with our pets. He shares intimate and inspiring stories from people around the world and how they have used The Gentle Way modality to receive guidance in finding a new or lost pet, and even reducing the stress and worry of caring for a sick pet. He guides us to receive angelic help for our animal companions. Tom explains the concept of group souls for animals like dogs, cats, and even cockroaches. He shares his insights on how these pets, seen as soul fragments, often come back in multiple lifetimes to be with their human companions, and how they can help us here on Earth and we can love them back.
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  • Sacred Geometry, The Universal Language of Divine Alignment
    My guests today, Gail and Gregory Hoag, share their extensive expertise of sacred geometry and its application to personal and spiritual growth. The Hoags discuss how universal patterns and divine archetypes influence human consciousness and facilitate the evolution of the human experience. We discuss complex topics like higher dimensional realities, emotional fields, and the interplay between physical and subtle energies as well as the mystical properties of specific numbers and their universal significance. We explore the disruptive impact of modern electromagnetic frequencies on human energy fields and present the use of sacred geometry tools to counteract these effects. Additionally, the Hoags recount their personal journeys of discovering sacred geometry, including Gregory's intense Kundalini awakening and Gail's near death experience and spiritual channellings. Gail and Gregory emphasize the importance of integrating higher consciousness amidst current global turbulence and offer practical advice on using sacred geometry to enhance personal well-being.
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  • Past Life Regression Into Your Dark Soul Lifetimes
    Where have you been on your soul journey? How can you accept and transcend the post traumatic stress that you carry from your past lives, especially your past lives as a dark soul? Remnants of these traumas are playing out in your current life. Facing your fears is your only true path to freedom and facing who you, and all of us, have really been in our past lives makes this so very important. Were we all the ‘nice guy’ or do we have dark lives during our soul journey and are we willing to look at who we have really been and what we have truly experienced? Have we had lives as ‘Lost Souls’? At what cost? What have we learned? What is the cost of not looking? Karen Joy will talk about the arc of our soul development from innocence through our ‘dark night of the soul’ until we emerge into light and wisdom. In her new book “Lost Soul, Wise Soul: How Challenging Past Lives Shape our Future” Karen Joy challenges us to fully realize that our brightest light shines through our deepest darkness. We are designed to experience trauma, while suffering is optional. As we grow as souls, we will eventually understand the purpose of our lives and find meaning in our challenges, ultimately feeling grateful for all we have learned.
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  • Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life
    How do our ancestors impact our lives and can we heal ourselves through healing them? Using 20 years of past life regression, Dr. Shelley Kaehr has developed a technique to assist her clients to send healing to their ancestors, which has resulted in a change in her client's current life and the lives of their entire families. She will explain the difference between Genealogical Regression and Past Life Regression, discuss traumas and other transgressions we may have inherited from our ancestors and how they have shaped our lives, with examples from case studies in her book 'Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life', and most important, share some of the exercises in her book for healing. This show was originally aired on 6/11/21.
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  • The Way Of The Wild Soul Woman
    Do you feel like you have lost yourself, or are just lost in general? Mary Reynolds Thompson introduces us to the five archetypes of the Wild Soul Woman’s psyche—the untamed, unashamed, and unstoppable aspects of inner feminine power that many women, and men, have forgotten or disconnected from. We explore Spiritual Ecology and the intersection of Women’s Liberation and Earth’s Restoration. We'll see how ancient Earth wisdom can help us to heal from cultural wounds and find a different source of strength, how these Earth archetypes are part of larger rewilding of the psyche that is being called forth at this time.
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  • Scientific Proof of Reincarnation?
    Researchers at the University of Virginia have investigated children’s reports of memories of previous lives for nearly sixty years, studying more than 2,500 cases from around the world. In many cases, a deceased individual has been identified whose life matches the details given by the child. Common features in the cases include a child talking about a past life at a very early age, behaviors that appear connected to that life such as phobias related to the mode of death, and sometimes even birthmarks or birth defects that correspond to wounds the previous person suffered. Our conversation will highlight Dr. Tucker’s research over the past 20 years, including details of some of his most interesting cases. His work provides persuasive evidence that some children do, in fact, possess memories of previous lives and we will look at how this phenomenon changes our understanding of consciousness and what it means to be human. Dr. Jim Tucker is a child psychiatrist at the University of Virginia, where he is the Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences. He is the Director of UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS), and he is continuing the work of Ian Stevenson with children who report memories of previous lives
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  • Journey to Kundalini, Unveiling the Divine Feminine
    In today’s episode, Angie Kay, (Angie Kraft-Meldahl) marks her third appearance on Metaphysics: A View Through The Veil. Today, we dive into Angie's new book, 'Creation Codes, Rise of the Goddess,' covering Angie’s transformation and insights into the healing arts, Akashic Records, and hand analysis. Angie shares her personal story of overcoming medical challenges through alternative healing methods, leading to her profound Kundalini awakening experience. She discusses how Kundalini energy, the mechanism behind spiritual awakening, fundamentally changed her, making her more sensitive to the world yet capable of navigating it with a higher frequency and expanded consciousness. Angie's journey illustrates the importance of embracing the Divine Feminine and Kundalini energy for personal growth and transformation.
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