Let's build up yourselves through the Word of God (Yahweh). Confidence Boost is a middle of the week encouragement to keep you focused on the things of God (Yahweh). This week episode we are focused on the NEW version of yourself. As a result, we will have an acronym for NEW.
N is for nullify the voice of the enemy with the blood of Jesus
◦ Nullify means to cancel out (goggle definition)
◦ The enemy will try to speak against the healed and new version of You because he wants to keep you bound.
◦ The blood of Jesus has already won the victory. You have learn how to use it against the enemy because the blood of Jesus defeated the enemy over 4000 years ago.
E is for edify your spirit man in the Word of God
◦ Edify means instruct or improve (goggle definition)
◦ You have to allow the Word of God to continue to penetrate your heart of the things that concern Christ.
◦ Allowing the Word of God to lead and guide you; you will be able to walk in the fruit of the Spirit
W is for willingly surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
◦ Willing means to prompt to act or respond (goggle definition)
◦ Without your surrendering, the Holy Spirit will not be able to abide because it would be consistent battle of your fighting against the Holy Spirit.
◦ The Holy Spirit has to lead you in order for you to walk in the NEW version of yourself.
W is for willingly surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
◦ Willingly means to prompt to act or respond (goggle definition)
◦ Without your surrendering, the Holy Spirit will not be able to abide because it would be consistent battle of your fighting against the Holy Spirit.
◦ The Holy Spirit has to lead you in order for you to walk in the NEW version of yourself.