Mikael Backman joins me on episode 130.
Mikael is from Sweden where he started playing blues harmonica, recording six albums with the band Ramblin’ Minds. He then joined the band John Henry. Initially a bluegrass band, they went on to play country, honky tonk and western swing.
Mikael is truly a doctor of the harmonica, having conducted various academic studies with the harmonica at center stage, as part of his work at the Piteå School of Music. One of these resulted in a music thesis on how practicing the chromatic and diatonic harmonicas can improve the playing of both. Mikael has also recently completed a PhD where he wrote a doctoral thesis on country harmonica, which included an article and recording session with the legendary Charlie McCoy.
Website: https://harpatwork.com/
John Henry band: www.johnhenry.nu
Mike Caldwell playing Roly Poly: https://soundcloud.com/mike-caldwell-2/roly-poly
Mikael’s recordings on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07qOtgwTkCHlzYgx6P8Goh?si=d7e648990fd9420b
One Lick - Two Harps: chromatic / diatonic: https://tinyurl.com/yfnh9fcv
PhD thesis My Bag of Licks: https://tinyurl.com/mybagoflicks
Article on Charlie McCoy: https://www.internationalcountrymusic.org/_files/ugd/83ada7_e189b0dca9ad431dbc743cea3ffd5a88.pdf
Charlie McCoy Transcriptions link: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/profile/show-exposition?exposition=1510243
Neil’s harmonica transcriptions: https://www.harptranscripts.co.uk/
Same lick on chromatic and diatonic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIcnyGTtv6A
Mikael talks through what he plays on Oklahoma song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJeskt_Vo1U
Amazing Grace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h04Q9k6eEok
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This podcast is sponsored by SEYDEL harmonicas - visit the oldest harmonica factory in the world at www.seydel1847.com or on Facebook or Instagram at SEYDEL HARMONICAS
Blue Moon Harmonicas: https://bluemoonharmonicas.com
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