In today's episode, hosts Deb Turton and Guy Daigneault are discussing the absolute vital importance of a growth mindset in your life, and some key strategies you can use to cultivate a growth mindset and avoid the most common misconception people have around happiness, success, and wealth.
- The definition of mindset varies but the Oxford Dictionary defines it as a set of attitudes and fixed ideas that someone has that are difficult to change. It’s the beliefs that you hold and how they shape your perception of your life and the world.
- Fundamentally, your mindset is either fixed or growth-oriented.
- A fixed mindset focuses on what you are able to do rather than effort. It focuses on failure and rejection, and resists challenges and fears. This is where you can find yourself thinking about the same things on repeat.
- A fixed mindset doesn’t ask questions, it has conclusions.
- We will encounter a huge number of challenges in life. If you’re not willing to face those challenges because of your limited beliefs, you will find it very difficult to move forward in your life.
- What doesn’t grow, dies.
- The first step in having a growth mindset is emphasizing learning and increasing your skills.
- Embrace challenges by putting a positive spin on them. Instead of being obstacles, they are opportunities for growth. If you look at them that way, you will become excited to face challenges and find solutions. It will also be easier to face setbacks.
- To develop a growth mindset, you have to take a step back first and look at the beliefs that are holding you back.
- The start of a growth mindset is assessing your beliefs and asking if they are true. We have to be willing to admit we don’t know everything and we can still discover new things about the world and ourselves.
- Challenge your own beliefs. Write them down and question them, but always look at them in a positive light and look for ways to improve.
- With a growth mindset, your confidence and motivation will grow each day. You’ll notice you are more open to opportunities which leads to better problem-solving skills, and you’ll be more open to healthy, positive relationships.
- The satisfaction of seeing your own personal growth is very inspiring.
- Cultivating a growth mindset starts with finding coaches and mentors that have the same values as you and following what they did. Ask them what their formula for success is and use that as a template.
- Acting as-if, you’ve already made it is not enough. As a man thinks, so he is. You need to spend time cultivating the internal mindset and removing the limiting beliefs before it can become your reality.
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