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Postpartum is such a significant time of change, adaptation, and bonding. It can also be a stressful, sleepless, and emotional time. I encourage you, if you're pregnant or hope to be, spend some time thinking through what you want the first 8 weeks postpartum to look like. If you're already postpartum, I would also encourage you to prioritize rest moving forward. And if you're beyond postpartum, consider how you might encourage or provide care/meals/rest for a new mom that you know. 💕
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Links: some of these links are affiliate links, and at no extra cost to you, should you choose to purchase through the link, I will receive a commission. I appreciate you supporting my business this way!
Quick Links
- Mental health support: https://www.postpartum.net/
- Article 3 Steps to Prepare a Nourishing Postpartum Recovery: https://www.resourcedoula.com/preparing-your-postpartum-recovery-plan/
- Free postpartum plan by Earth Mama Angel Baby:https://trainat.li/postpartum-plan
- Freezer meals: https://trainat.li/freezermeals
- Exercise: https://www.resourcedoula.com/quick-tips-postpartum-exercise-recommendations/
- The First 40 Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother by Heng Ou: https://mydou.la/first-forty-days
- Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols: https://mydou.la/real-food-for-pregnancy
- IBCLC: TRD episode #4 with two IBCLCs: https://www.resourcedoula.com/interview-with-carrie-harris-ibclc-sarah-stevens-ibclc/
- KellyMom: https://trainat.li/kelly-mom is a great site for breastfeeding information
- A caddy for each “station” around the house: https://mydou.la/caddy
- Baby wrap or ring sling & soft structured carrier
– TRD episode #31 Babywearing Basics with Cassidy from Let’s Talk Babywearing: https://www.resourcedoula.com/babywearing-basics-with-cassidy-of-lets-talk-babywearing/
Top tip: Trust in yourself and your knowledge of your own body and your baby.
All the resources I mentioned and more are a part of a bigger list that is a live document - meaning I update it regularly! Yhttps://www.reso
Sign up for my weekly newsletter and gain access to my most up-to-date resource list here: https://www.resourcedoula.com/resources
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