On the 2nd of December 2024, it was exactly 25 years since ‘the appointed day’ – the day when legislative powers and executive authorities were devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly. But what were things really like back in those heady days of 1999?
Paul Moore – a former Assembly official who had been seconded to his job ‘up the hill’ the week before devolution - remembers the high hopes and expectations of many, and the vehement opposition of some, to the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement and its Institutions.
Paul has adapted a number of ‘episodes’ from his book: ‘Doctor Paisley and Mister Clerk – Recollections of Ian Paisley’s Agriculture Committee Years’ which is available in paperback and e-book formats from amazon.co.uk: https://amzn.eu/d/89Lkwxq
In this first episode, which covers the Assembly’s earliest days and weeks of operation, Paul discovers that he is about to work closely alongside a certain Ian R K Paisley - the Agreement’s most vocal opponent at the time.