• Eps 302: A Part Time Job and Your Mom Coaching Biz

    Getting a part-time job while you're growing your mom coaching biz isn't a sign of failure. It's an opportunity to fill in some gaps, both social and financial, while taking the pressure off your budding (or budded) coaching practice so things to allow it to bloom to its full potential.

    In this episode I'm sharing with you why I decided to get a part-time job for the school year and why it's infused me with so much new energy and inspiration I can apply to my business. So if you're just starting out your mom coaching business, or been at this for a while, there's no shame to having supplental income coming in with either a side-hustle or full-time job. In fact, it's a smart move if you want to keep other skillsets sharp and your business simple enough to run and grow it working only part-time hours.

    Featured on the podcast:

    The more niche down you are as a mom coach the easier it is to make this work working part time hours. Grab my free ecourse here to find your simple, profitable mom coaching niche: Your Ultimate Niche Guide

    The best way to make the most of your part-time work hours in your biz is to have me by your side to come up with a plan and help you take action on it. Fill out your application to work with me as your private coach here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 301: When You Might Be Hurting Your Biz

    You love your coaching business but sometimes love hurts. Just like physical pain, some variety of pain is needed (good) and some of it might a signal from a higher source that something is out of alignment (bad). Let's take a look at the different types of discomfort you may be feeling as your business grows and which ones are indeed growing pains or may actually be hurting your bottom line.

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    Here's some physiotherapy to get a diagnosis of what the pain in your mom coaching business might be all about and some strategy to help you move through it. Your Mom Coaching Biz Fast Fix.

    Ready for some longer term treatment to reach your income goals as a mom coach? Fill out your application to work with me as your private coach here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 300: Love Language Marketing

    If you love to coach moms then show them you love them in a language they can appreciate: their love language. The five love languages is a concept created Gary Chapman when he notice the different ways couples give and receive affection. Each language corresponds to the types of actions or behaviors that make someone feel the most loved.

    By integrating the five love languages into your marketing strategies as a life coach for moms can create a deeper connection with your audience no matter what language they're most fluent in. Here’s how you can align each love language with a marketing style.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Flipside of love language? Fear language! Here's were you can grab my fear squelching wallpaper for your laptop to encourage you to love your biz by consistently putting yourself out there no matter what fears or insecurities might come up.

    Ready to work with me as your private coach? Learn more and apply here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 299: Client Interview: Jackie McMullen

    Ready to start or grow your podcast mom coach? Podcasting is a powerful way to get your coaching voice literally inside your ideal client's head. But along with that, hosting your own podcast might cause you to get inside your head more than you like. Here's comes my private client Jackie McMullen to the rescue.

    In this episode we talk about what it's been like working with me as her coach, her beautiful story that brought her to doing what's she doing today: helps mompreneurs launch, and grow their podcast so they can grow their business - with strategy, tech help and mindset coaching. Jackie was first teacher but when her oldest son was diagnosed with leukemia at 21 months old everything changed. She launched her first podcast as a way to connect with other moms and families going through treatment and beyond, and from there her love for podcasting blossomed.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Check out Jackie's website where you can find her own podcast, how to work with her one on one to get your podcast up and growing and her generous freebie that has all the tools and strategies to stop overthinking what kind of content to put in your show.

    Want to work with me as your private coach too? Learn more and apply here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 298: Let's Do Launch

    Launching your coaching services or even a new digital offer is going to have its ups and downs. Emotional, mental and financial. And I find all the ups are worth the once in the while downs. While my biz is set up for as much passive income as possible, launching is still the most active way to topple over those in your audience deciding whether to work with you or not, buckle down on your messaging and remind yourself, and your followers that you're not doing this just for fun.

    You're doing this for business so now's the time to listen up.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Just about ready to launch your mom coaching biz but would love some resources to help fill in some business gaps? Then Mom Coach Club might be fore you. Grab this monthly membership for only $9 today!

    Ready to work with me one on one as your business coach and get you brainstorming on what your launch calendar might look like? Learn more and apply here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 297: Client Interview: independent Play with Jill Lerman

    My client Jill Lerman is a gift to moms everywhere. Especially those who want to gift their kiddos the ability to engage themselves in self-directed play as soon as possible, and as developmentally appropriate as possible as well. Luckily, Jill happens to be an expert in this area. She helps overwhelmed parents & caretakers to connect and engage with their little ones through simple invitations to play to help make parenting feel more joyful and manageable.

    We had an amazing conversation around how working together we created a business plan that felt doable as a mom to a young daughter herself and how encouraging independent play has helped her work from home and be a mindful mama as she does so and some tips for you to do the same.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Check out Jill's own podcast here and her website where you can learn how to work with her one on one, or join her monthly Playful Parenting membership. https://www.jillybeansnyc.com/

    Grab Jill's free guide on how to create more independent play in your child's world too here.

    Want to work with me as your private coach too? Learn more and apply here.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it

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  • Eps 296: Nurture Your Inner Child

    Starting and growing a life coaching or mentoring business is going to bring up all your issues. Most of them stemming from childhood. Here's how to nurture your inner child because she's going to be throwing a few meltdowns on this journey I can pretty much guarantee you.

    Here I offer some of my favourite ways to start exploring how to connect some of these dots that might appear unrelated to each other but really are part of the healing process from some of the heartbreak and reconnecting with who we really are deep in our core. And once we gain awareness of some of our first pains and insecurities we can grow from there. And our mom coaching business can really take off.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Many of the strategies offered in this episode are taught inside Mom Coach Club. If you're not a member yet, now's the perfect time to join. https://blissbeyondnaptime.thrivecart.com/mom-coach-club/

    Pick up the coaching tools and process to coach yourself through these areas while you coach other moms inside my coaching training program for moms - Mom Coach School. Next round is opening again very soon. Join here or get on the waitlist for the next round. https://www.blissbeyondnaptime.com/mom-coach-school

    Want to work with me as your private coach? Book your free discovery call here to get started. https://www.blissbeyondnaptime.com/discovery-call/

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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  • Eps 295: When the Struggle Gets Real

    Being a mom coach isn't going to be rainbows and bottomless lattes all day long. It's going to be tough at times. Luckily, as a moms, we know how to do tough things. I'm going to explore some epiphanies I got from a windy day playing pickle ball and how that was exactly like navigating the complexities of running a mom coaching business when you want to throw in the towel due to things not going to plan, the demands of motherhood getting overwhelming or simply feeling tired and frustrated.

    While not always easy, if you hang in there this entrepreneurial journey can lead to incredible growth and success. Not only in your business, but to your character and personal development as well.

    Featured on the podcast:

    Best place to step into your ideal client's shoes is by getting clear on who that is and who you are best suited to serve. In other words, your niche. I have a free ecourse to land on yours and how to grow your biz from there.

    Are you a member of Mom Coach Club yet? This monthly membership offers you instant access to a massive vault of trainings that will help you in all aspects of starting and growing your mom coaching biz.

    Want to work with me as your private business coach and get support and guidance on what to do during your chosen work hours? Book your free discovery call here to get started.

    Like the show? Leave a review here. And a great way to not miss an episode is to subscribe to the show while you’re at it.

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