Calling all the Mommas! (Don't worry dads.. we get around to you also) Mom guilt?! What are we doing ladies? We at the "Why Do People Do That" podcast insist that we all come together to bring about change. Starting today! Join us in our heartfelt and passionate conversation about the root causes of mom guilt. We go on a journey through time and explore a deeper understanding of the definition of guilt, the societal journey of gender roles, expectations moms put on themselves and others, as well as steps we can all start taking today to bring about change. We have spent enough time torturing ourselves for no reason and it is time to start putting the oxygen mask on for our own good. Not because everyone else needs us, but simply because we are entitled to breathe! A healthier life balance and permission to exist on your own priority list starts today. Join us!
#momguilt #mentalhealth #mommyguilt #parenting #parentsarepeople #momprenuer