• Episode 116 The Manifestation Debate - Which Side are You on?

    This episode is short and sweet—just enough to inspire you to hop off your device and take action (or not) toward your goals and dreams in life and business.

    Today, we’re diving into a debated topic among manifestation and law of attraction teachers: action-taking. Is it really necessary to take action to manifest your desires? Some say yes, while others say no. So, what’s the real answer? Let’s explore!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    - Why some teachers say action isn’t necessary and others say it is

    - The power of setting intentions and aligning with the right vibration

    - My take on why action is always happening—even when you’re not aware of it

    - The difference between being busy and taking inspired, aligned action

    - Tips for connecting with your inner wisdom and receiving intuitive guidance

    Here’s the bottom line: whether you’re an action taker or someone who manifests more organically, the key is to find what works best for YOU. Some people need conscious, aligned action to feel connected to their desires, while others manifest without needing to “do” much. The important thing is to listen to your intuition, experiment, and lean into your personal method.

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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    18 分
  • Episode 115 Vedic Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Wisdom for September 2024: Bold Moves and Cosmic Fortunes

    Welcome to another episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs! In this episode, we're diving into September's Vedic astrology full moon wisdom. This month's full moon on September 17th occurs in the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada, in the sign of Pisces. With its connection to Jupiter, the planet of luck and fortune, this lunar mansion encourages bold, inspired action toward material success while remaining spiritually grounded. Adding to the intensity, it's also eclipse season, making this full moon an important time to stay attuned to the energies at play as well as how we handle challenges in our lives and businesses.

    Purva Bhadrapada, symbolized by the first half of the lucky feet in the constellation of Pegasus, reminds us that fortune favors the bold. Like my son’s dog, Rocky, who never hesitates to seize the moment (and a cookie!), this nakshatra encourages us to act with confidence and focus on a vision for the future. So, if you’re intention-setting or working toward your boldest goals, dreams, and desires, do so with confidence and without hesitancy. As we navigate the fiery and humanitarian energies of this full moon, let’s be mindful of our words and what we feed our minds. What happens now and what actions we take will heavily influence our life and business experiences for quite some time.

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse

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  • Episode 114 Vedic New Moon Wisdom Reflection for September 2024: Rest and Relaxation for Business Opportunity and Growth

    In this Vedic astrology new moon wisdom episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we explore the profound energies of September's new moon in the nakshatra Purva Phalguni, nestled in the sign of Leo. Hosted by Michel Ai Reavis, your trusted Vedic business astrologer, we dive into the themes and energies this lunar phase offers and how we can harness its unique qualities in both our personal lives and spiritual businesses. This new moon invites us to embrace luxury, relaxation, and the sweet rewards of our hard work while also taking inspired action that aligns with our deepest passions.

    Purva Phalguni's energy is one of indulgence and pleasure, symbolized by a hammock or couch, yet it also encourages us to channel our desires into motivated action. This episode will guide you through how to balance the joy of leisure with the satisfaction of purposeful work, particularly in the context of forming meaningful business partnerships and collaborations. With Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, ruling this nakshatra, there's no better time to reconnect with what lights you up and to take steps toward manifesting your dreams in a way that feels both fulfilling and effortless. Tune in for practical tips and spiritual insights to help you navigate this powerful time with grace and ease.



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  • Episode 113 5 Ways You Can Harness Your Multipotentialite Strengths in Your Business

    In this episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we dive into the exciting world of multipotentialites and how to harness these unique strengths in your business. Building on the foundation laid in episode 112, where we explored what it means to be a multipotentialite and identified the signs, this episode takes things a step further by providing actionable strategies for leveraging your multi-modalities, passions, and talents. If you’ve ever felt that your diverse interests make you a "jack of all trades and a master of none," this episode will help you see them as your superpowers.

    We discuss five powerful ways to integrate your varied skills and passions into your business, helping you create a brand that stands out and serves your clients in a truly unique way. Whether it's identifying common themes across your interests, crafting a distinct value proposition, or offering multifaceted services, you’ll learn how to turn your diverse talents into a thriving spiritual or healing business. This episode is all about embracing who you are and using every aspect of your multipotentialite nature to create a business that not only fulfills you but also makes a positive impact on those you serve.

    Tune in to discover how continuous learning and adaptation can keep your business dynamic and innovative, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve. By the end of this episode, you'll feel inspired and empowered to harness your multiple strengths, knowing that your diverse interests are not just assets but the key to your success.

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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  • Episode 112 Embracing Your Multipotentialite Superpowers and 7 Signs That You Might Be One

    In this episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we're diving into the fascinating world of multipotentialites—a term that might resonate deeply with many of you. If you've ever felt pulled in multiple directions by your diverse interests, passions, and projects, this episode is for you. We'll explore what it means to be a multipotentialite, share personal experiences of navigating this unique path, and discuss the seven signs that you might be one too.

    During a recent Parts Work therapy session, I confronted the pressure I felt to choose just one lane in my professional life. With so many passions and projects, including owning a travel agency, starting an astrocartography certification course, and managing this podcast alongside my money relationship coaching business, I struggled with the idea of focusing on just one thing. The concept of being a multipotentialite, introduced to me by my mentor, was a revelation that brought immense relief. It gave me the freedom to embrace my varied interests without feeling the need to conform to a single path.

    Being a multipotentialite comes with its own set of challenges and joys. In this episode, we'll not only identify the signs that you might be one but also discuss how embracing this aspect of yourself can lead to greater creativity, adaptability, and fulfillment in your personal and professional life. Whether you're a multipotentialite or not, there's something valuable to learn about honoring who you are and finding your unique path.

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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  • Episode 111 Vedic Full Moon Wisdom for August 2024: Embracing Your Dharma with the Strength and Courage of a Lioness

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs! In this month's Vedic Full Moon Wisdom episode, we delve into the powerful energies surrounding the upcoming full moon on August 19th. With the Sun in vibrant Magha nakshatra and the Moon reflecting its brilliance in Dhanishta nakshatra, we explore how these celestial influences can guide us toward right action, or dharma, in our lives and businesses.

    Dhanishta’s focus on dharma reminds us of the importance of maintaining and sustaining what matters most. Just as a gardener must tend to their garden regularly, we, too, must nurture our businesses and finances with care and attention. This full moon invites us to embrace the discipline needed to be good stewards of our money and resources, ensuring that our actions align with our highest values.

    The energy of the lioness, the symbol of Dhanishta, encourages us to step into leadership roles with confidence and grace. Whether it's taking charge in our communities or innovating within our industries, this is a time to take bold, decisive action. Mars in Dhanishta supports us in making things happen, shaking up the status quo, and bringing fresh, creative solutions to the forefront.

    As we wrap up, we also tap into the divine feminine energy of Dhanishta, with a beautiful message from the Whispers of Aloha deck. This card, "Compassionate Acceptance," encourages us to allow our inner beauty to shine and be seen by others. It’s a reminder that by embracing our uniqueness and letting our light shine, we not only fulfill our own potential but also inspire others to do the same.

    Thank you for joining us in this exploration of Vedic wisdom and spiritual entrepreneurship. May this full moon inspire you to take meaningful action, lead with courage, and let your true essence be seen and celebrated. Until next time, have a glorious full moon!

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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    21 分
  • Episode 110 15 Easy Things You Can Do If You Are Feeling Stuck in Your Business

    Welcome to the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs! I'm your host, Michel Ai Reavis. In this episode, we're exploring 15 quick tips to help you if you're feeling stuck in your business. Inspired by my own experience, these tips are designed to reignite your passion and drive. Remember, feeling stuck is normal and can often be a sign that you need a break or a change in perspective. You don't have to implement all 15 tips—just the ones that resonate with you the most.

    These tips range from reconnecting with your core purpose to making small changes in your environment, seeking new inspiration, and taking care of yourself. Whether it’s through engaging in new activities, changing your routine, or finding a new community, each tip is aimed at helping you break through the stagnation and move forward with renewed energy and motivation.

    15 Quick Tips:

    1. Reconnect With Your Why

    2. Check To See If You’re Overwhelmed

    3. Change Your Environment

    4. Indulge In Pleasurable Activities

    5. Connecting With Nature and Earthing

    6. Change Up Your Daily Routine or Daily Spiritual Practice

    7. Find a New Mentor or Coach

    8. Find a New Community

    9. Get-Aways, Retreats, or Mini Vacations

    10. Change Up Your Offers

    11. Learn Something New

    12. Feed Your Mind With New Ideas

    13. Self-Care

    14. Seek Inspiration and Guidance From Spirit

    15. Beauty Inspires

    I hope these tips provide inspiration and a helpful resource whenever you need it. Stay inspired and keep shining your light!

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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    37 分
  • Episode 109 Vedic New Moon Wisdom for August 2024: Releasing and Embracing with Love in Life and Business

    In this episode of the Money Lighthouse Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we are diving into the enchanting energies of the Vedic new moon, which graces us in the nakshatra of Ashlesha on Sunday, August 4, 2024. Thank you for joining us as we explore the wisdom and transformative power this lunar phase brings.

    Ashlesha, known as the clinging star, embodies the essence of intimate connection and coiling embrace, much like its symbol, the mystical snake. Snakes are fascinating creatures, adept at navigating both land and water with incredible grace and speed, despite lacking limbs. Their movements are a powerful reminder to approach our endeavors with mindfulness and deliberate intention, avoiding hasty actions that could lead to painful setbacks. In our businesses, this translates to making thoughtful decisions, pivoting when necessary, and staying aligned with our true path.

    As we reflect on Ashlesha, we recognize the entanglements in our lives—beliefs, responsibilities, and relationships—that can hold us back. The snake's wisdom teaches us the importance of releasing these constraints to achieve greater freedom and growth. Just like my friend who honors her nervous system in her business decisions, we too can strive for a harmonious balance that allows us to thrive creatively and purposefully. It's a journey of continuous learning and improvement, where each step forward brings us closer to our goals.

    Embracing Ashlesha's energy also means understanding the dual nature of our words and actions. The truth, though sometimes difficult, has the power to liberate us from limiting beliefs and habits. Our words can either wound like venom or heal like a powerful antidote. Just as some traditional cultures use poisons for healing, we can transform our challenges into opportunities for growth. By aligning with the positive attributes of the snake—wisdom, intuition, and strength—we can navigate our lives and businesses with greater clarity and purpose.

    In this episode, we'll explore practical ways to harness the new moon's energy in Ashlesha, including deep inner work, releasing limitations, and boldly sharing our authentic voice. We'll also draw inspiration from spirit guidance, reminding us that love endures through all phases of life. Let's continue this journey together, embracing the transformative power of Ashlesha and the infinite possibilities it brings.

    Contact: michel@moneylighthouse.com

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