• Billie Shepard leverages her former acting career to transform publicity-shy executives into influential presenters.

    Her unique methodology is loved by a range of corporations including Facebook, Uber, Intuit, Cisco, Ericsson, Nokia, as well as thousands of actors.  Sharing secrets from her bestselling book, The Billie Shepard Presentation Method she shares her key methods so that after a short entertaining listen you too can hold that stage like a pro!

    I was delighted to be joined by Billie for my latest episode and we discuss topics including:

    · Her background in TV, theatre and training including a Masters of Theatre Arts and how her M.A. thesis, entitled The Actor Within led her to offer the key techniques of acting and stage presence to corporate clients

    · Why most people fear public speaking and what to do about it

    · Why presenting in present moment awareness is a game-changer

    · If appearance is important on virtual presentations and meetings

    · Using your Zoom camera like a pro!

    · How to be concise and eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak

    · Knowing your intention

    · How to answer impromptu questions

    · Techniques to assure your audience understands your message correctly and

    · Participant success stories

    Plus, why we discovered that we are only 1 degree of separation, who we know in common and what books and shows we ended up recommending to each other!

    Find out more at: www.billieshepard.com



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  • A man with a unique name on game changing coaching and his life.

    The conversation that turned into a webinar!  So much to say to a man with a unique name, and maverick coaching views!

    Dax Moy is an incredible coach who positions himself as ‘not for everyone’ and he is certainly not for the fainthearted.  

    He works with royalty, CEOs, elite sports people, celebrities, and yet has a CV that starts with how at, 15, he stabbed his father and then joined the Armed Forces.

    We discuss topics including:

    · Formative years with a violent, alcoholic, Glaswegian gangster for a father. Waking up to his mother screaming, Dax ended up stabbing him through the heart but also was the one to keep him alive before the paramedics arrived.

    · Dropping out of school early before running up and down mountains in Wales for six months to get fit and ready to join The Parachute regiment.

    · The Armed Forces, with time with the Marines and then the Reservists before becoming a personal trainer.

    · Achieving the glory of being the UK's highest paid personal trainer led to, in his words, him becoming a ‘bit of a dick’.  We both share our ‘being a dick’ moments!

    · Realising that his great training results often didn’t last led him to investigate the psychology of training and with the added ‘gift’ of PTSD from being in the Tsunami in Thailand he went down the rabbit hole of all things mindset. Going from a guy with everything to a guy who felt like he couldn’t leave his room, Dax had to resist the urge to ‘come out fighting’ and instead go within.

    · Digging deeper into the neuroscience of mindset and overcoming his PTSD gave him clarity and purpose.  This is reflected in his work today where clients attest to him changing their lives in one call.  How does Dax do this?  “I ignore most of the things they think they're on the call for. Then deconstruct what is really going on and design a system that is true to them”.

    · How it is different coaching Royalty and celebrities to other coaches

    · Coaching secrets - including how he has helped coaches make a lot of money by a focus on them, not their businesses. He is not a saviour coach. Nor a sales coach.  Dax is the third type: a servant coach.  The one that says: ‘You tell me what you want, and I'll help you to get it.’.

    · Finally, he shares how he has evolved over 20 years yet taken many with him along the way.  Resisting the urge to jump on the trendy bandwagons along the way and staying true to himself and his values.

    Dax can be contacted at -

    Website - https://daxmoy.com/

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  • Finding your way online and ignore the toxic detours

    My guest on this episode is Gemma Went: introvert, deep thinker, sage, and maverick. She is an award-winning online business mentor, certified mindset coach, hypnotherapist, and founder of the Lighthouse Business Academy. And behind that are over two decades of very high-level business experience in PR and branding and marketing.

    We discuss topics including:

    · How she loves the online world, creating courses, scaling with programmes etc. A world that gives us so many opportunities and - especially for women - to grow, to make money, to break down paradigms around wealth.

    · Yet it is a world that can pull you into what she calls ‘the online race’. And it's a race that you don't really want to be in. As women get dragged into it and it makes them come from a place of comparison that triggers unhealthy thoughts and imposter syndrome.

    · That in 2019 she got caught up in this race and nothing was ever enough. This constant pressure took its toll on her nervous system, resulting in stress and feeling ‘out of sorts’. So, she cancelled her profitable revenue streams, took time, stepped back, and worked out what was right for her. Then the pandemic hit so she dived even deeper via journaling, working with therapists and nutritionists to get back in balance.

    · Gemma’s big realisation was that she was the boss. That what she had learned was expected from the boss – from her high adrenalin agency days – wasn’t how she wanted her life to look anymore. So, she set about redesigning her business to give her joy and to help other women who fall into the same trap.

    · Why two of her core values are integrity and intimacy and what this means in business.

    · We look back nine years to the start of her business when she had nothing, was pregnant, jobless, and working from a friend’s kitchen table and the lessons learned along the way.

    · What success on her terms today, drawing on her spiritual side and using self-compassion as her guide, looks like and also why the spirited and rebellious side of her personality means that she gives herself permission to do other things or make mistakes without guilt.

    · That a ‘six-month bucket’ spreadsheet allows her to capture her maverick ideas without losing focus, becoming overwhelmed or fearful that the fun and spontaneity will go out of her work.

    · To end the interview, we look at why there is often so much negative and toxic messaging on social media, especially from women to women, and how this could be healed for all our good.

    · Finally, Gemma leaves us with this gem of advice: That the only mentor you really need to really help you navigate this online world is you. If you start with you for everything and drown out all the other noise that surrounds you, get to know your own inner wisdom and make decisions from that space then everything changes for the best.

    Gemma Went - https://gemmawent.co.uk

    Instagram - https://instagram.com/gemmawent 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/gemmacwent

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  • Rachel Elnaugh on stopping the global hostile corporate takeover

    NOTICE: Apologies for the sound quality of this interview.  It was recorded on phones and some files were corrupted.  As the content is interesting we are posting it but do be aware that it is not up to usual studio quality.

    Rachel Elnaugh on stopping the global hostile corporate takeover

    My guest on this episode is the Evolutionary Entrepreneur who created the multimillion market leading Red Letter days experience. Now a business speaker, published author, business mentor, and co-creator of digital publishing platform Source TV. Also, in her words, an outspoken commentator on the global and corporate hostile takeover bid, aka the great reset that is currently underway.

    We discuss topics including:

    · How she became aware of The Great Reset upon reading the eponymous book by Klaus Schwab and was left wondering where the strategic recommendations from his SWOT analysis of modern life were.

    · That after this ‘penny dropped’ and she had her Ah Ha moment that she identified that for the last five or six years that leaders across the world had been leveraging social media and tools of mass manipulation to win elections and push their agendas. Also, that more and more AI and surveillance has crept in during this time too.

    · With this realization she broadcast a video – Rachel Speaks Out – in September 2020 and to her surprise it went viral before being banned by both YouTube and Facebook. This made her question what was happening in lockdown and with freedom of speech even more.

    · That for her it is really about good vs evil

    · That she questions most of the ‘accepted’ narratives; drawing on her childhood upbringing, above her dad’s shop in a very masculine household, that led her to be tough.

    · How this upbringing, plus being an accountant around entrepreneurs who had created businesses out of nothing led her to create Red Letter Days when she as only 24 years old but that the masculine energy associated with business success became mismatched to her. That she believes that the patriarchy of business and politics is all about a lot of traumatised little boys. This was reinforced during a two series spell as an investor the UK Dragons Den TV programme.

    · We also talk about the seduction of technology but how it should be a servant not a master and that unplugging from it is a good thing.  Plus, the dangers of digital currencies.

    · Rachel believes that better solutions come from debate and that leads her to question how currently there is a total lack of directives around natural immunity, natural remedies, and anything other than a pharmaceutical solution to Covid.

    · Finally, that many people won’t awaken as they are too traumatised currently.

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  • Tosh Brittan on coming out of her closet and offering healing for broken people in broken times

    Tosh Brittan is a thought changer for divorce, supporting women and men to have a calmer and clearer, more confident, and emotionally healing experience.

    As a divorce life coach, qualified mindfulness teacher and Reiki master teacher Tosh is passionate about supporting those going through separation and divorce to grow their awareness, manage their emotions and change their mindset.

    She started her blog in 2014 attracting over 100k hits and in 2019 began the Divorce Goddess podcast which ranked #41 in the US and #16 UK Relationship charts after 12 episodes.

    In the revelation of an interview Tosh shares:

    ·  How her work has moved beyond divorce coaching to an openness about healing and her ability to be a healer as healing through the divorce process – for all in the family - is key.

    ·  That these aspects to her work and life were formerly ‘brushed under the carpet’ as she put a more corporate spin on her image, mostly due to the fear of being judged harshly.

    ·  That seeing so many clients, friends and family members holding on to bitterness and anger have made her champion co-parenting protocols and self-healing.

    ·  That the question of: “what can I do to make my life easier?” starts with inner work and helping oneself.

    ·  How the last 18 months has taught us that we can’t control everything and so we must deal with uncertainly in our lives every day.

    ·  How more men are reaching out to her, and men and boys are more open to healing modalities that may have seemed rather ‘woo woo’ previously.

    ·  Plus, some big questions for our times such as ‘what is my purpose?’

    ·  Oh, and why she is a committed cold-water swimmer and what tattoo we both have in common!

    Tosh Brittan's website - https://www.divorcegoddess.com     

    Instagram account - https://www.instagram.com/divorcegoddess/

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  • Natalie Viglione is on a mission to help people AWAKEN, to REMEMBER, reclaim their power, authenticity, and magic.

    Natalie describes herself as a vessel for life and business guidance. While this may sound rather woo woo it is grounded by a mindset that draws on a corporate career in the fast lane in San Francisco to New York City which was increasingly interrupted by her understanding that the strongest voice she had to follow was that of her intuition and higher self.

    Gems and insights from our conversation include:

    · That when we tap into the energetic connections between us, we become whole as people's life and their business are never separated

    · How she was always an intuitive corporate agency person but categorized it as being a game changer and creative and highly right brain rather than embracing it

    · Understanding that it was not her, but the hierarchical structures in which she was trying to survive rather than thrive that were wrong

    · How a women's conference, in New York City, with Mama Gina opened her up to a whole new world.  It was the catalyst for her leaving her six figure job for a life in the mountains and being CEO of her own life

    · That this was not easy and being an entrepreneur, creating a new life and identity was challenging

    · How the healing between her soul and body created certainly that she was on the right path. A path that led to some of her family and former friends feeling that they no longer understood her but a path that led to meeting her husband

    · That the world is inverted.  We doubt the true voices in our heads and discount our inner magic and instead sublimate our true selves to the structures we find ourselves in

    · That she is her to lead through example and to shock and disrupt people into an awakening and then guide them to their unique gifts. This can create a wave of good energy that will have a ripple effect and someone's life could be saved because of you staying on your true path, being consistent and showing up.

    · Why the world needs a massive disruption now to enable an unplugging from all the things that do not serve us so we can stand in our truth and be a vessel of life and business guidance

    Website - www.natalieviglione.com 

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/disruptwithnatalie/ 

    Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/DisruptNowLifeandBusinessGuide/ 

    Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/TeamGuCreativeContent/ 

    Thinkspot - https://thinkspot.com/disruptwithnatalie

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  • Bestselling Author Milly Johnson on the art of being ordinary.

    Milly Johnson is the ‘Queen of Feelgood Fiction, with 18 bestselling novels and over two million sales worldwide amongst her many accolades.  Catching up with Milly during her whirlwind PR activity for latest book ‘The Woman in the Middle’ I was able to dig deep into the thinking behind this phenomenal success and discover how she remains so relatable and grounded.

    · Gems from the interview include:

    · How being told: ‘Oh, aren’t you ordinary!’ was the loveliest compliment she ever received.

    · There’s no barrier between her writings and her readers as she sees and negotiates the world as an ordinary woman with kids and parents etc.

    · That she’s a fan of Peter Kay and observational humour and brings this ordinary gift of observing people into the tapestry of her writing.

    · Being unable to remember a time when she didn’t want to write, it took a while to find her authentic voice and write the kind of relatable books she loves to read.

    · Once she tapped into her voice, how she drew on what she lived including the experience from her 20s of being fired from a job due to her Yorkshire accent and being told she was more suited to ‘the textile industry’ than selling luxury goods.

    · Drawing on the coincidence of her being pregnant at the same time as two close friends led to her first book being published.  Other lightbulb real-life moments have led to books that draw on her divorce and throwing out clutter into a skip; cross-generational friendships and a woman caught ‘in the middle’ between her children and aging parents.

    · That her books are dark and light, taking readers to the bottom of the of the well and then bouncing back stronger than they imagined possible.  This leads to great responsibility as so many of her fans have been woken up to the realities of their own lives.

    · New ideas are always queuing up in her brain and when she starts to write it is like candy floss: when you put the stick into the machine the sugar of ideas starts to weave around it.

    · Her parting shot: that no dream is too high and that if Mr. Spielberg would like to discuss the film rights to any of her books, she is available for his call.

    Milly's website - http://www.millyjohnson.co.uk

    Milly's books are available online and at major UK supermarkets

    Twitter: @millyjohnson - https://twitter.com/millyjohnson

    Instagram: @themillyjohnson - https://www.instagram.com/themillyjohnson/

    Facebook: @millyjohnsonauthor - https://www.facebook.com/MillyJohnsonAuthor/

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  • Katie Stoddart, award-winning, international High Performance & Leadership coach on why she is really like a detective.

    In this episode, I interview Katie Stoddart who in addition to supporting executives to reach and sustain peak performance also has a podcast ‘The Focus Bee’.  I put her in the hot-seat of having to examine how she tames her own monkey mind to be able to hold space for her high-performance clients and bring out the best in them and their lives.

    She explains how she allows time to pause before any session with a client to allow her to show up in a calm state and tap into whatever the client is going through.  A process that she likens to being a detective digging for clues into the key issues.

    The juicy bits of the interview will share with you:

    • How & why she became interested in peak performance and that high performance does not simply mean high income.
    • Why a passionate focus on time, energy and attention management is key.  Plus, a focus on leadership skills.  This means that instead of only focusing on our outcomes, we keep them in mind, we work on them, but at the side, we're looking at how am I managing my energy? How am I managing my tension during the day?  How am I dealing with my mindset and keeping perfectionism or control issues or fears at bay?
    • That productivity is less about time management than it is about ‘energy & attention’ management
    • Why she invites everybody to re-connect with the magic! (living & working with intention)
    • The importance of working in your zone of genius
    • How she works with entrepreneurs and the type of results they get together
    • That financial gain and money are a side effect of high performance: feeling great leads to money.
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