How to ride the changing monthly energies?
Listen to this episode 15 of Feng Shui: The Real Thing for clear guidance on the right place and right time to help align your space and life with your aspirations and dreams.
We’re bringing you our forecast for this current solar month of the Earth Rabbit (March 2025, which runs until 5th April 2025) – how to navigate it, where to be in your space, an auspicious date for everyone and our forecasts for each of the 12 zodiac animals.
Remember that you have not just one, but four zodiac animals in your Ba Zi astrology chart (or five if you include the lifehouse pillar which is about your life calling) for greater nuance and meaning.
To find out which 4 zodiac animals are in your Ba Zi from your birth details, use the guide below or email Zoë with your date, time and place of birth.
Note there are different meanings depending on whether the animal rules your Year, Month, Day, or Hour pillar.
The 12 zodiac animals, in the sequence discussed in this episode:
- Rabbit: 1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; in March; on certain days; 5-7am
- Dragon: 1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; in April; on certain days; 7-9am
- Snake: 1941, 53, 65, 77, 89; in May; on certain days; 9-11am
- Horse: 1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; in June; on certain days; 11am-1pm
- Sheep: 1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; in July; on certain days; 1-3pm
- Monkey: 1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; in August; on certain days; 3-5pm
- Rooster: 1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; in September; on certain days; 5-7pm
- Dog: 1946, 58, 70, 82, 94; in October; on certain days; 7-9pm
- Pig: 1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; in November; on certain days; 9-11pm.
- Rat: 1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; in December*; on certain days**, 11pm-1am***
- Ox: 1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; in January; on certain days; 1-3am
- Tiger: 1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; in February; on certain days; 3-5am
* solar months start a few days later than Gregorian months.
** for your day animal you’ll need a chinese calendar or ask Zoë.
*** adjust the hour if born during daylight savings.
April Ba Zi Opportunity: Richard is running a 2-hour Ba Zi Taster Session on Saturday 5th April (at 4pm British Summer Time), as a unique chance to watch how a ba zi is constructed and see how to draw insights. Contact sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com to find out more.
If you would like us to (confidentially) answer questions about your own life and home, what is working or not, and how this relates to the Feng Shui way of seeing the world, contact us:
- Zoë at zoe@zoevitajames.com or DM on Zoë's Instagram @zoevitajames.
- Richard at richardashworth@imperialfengshui.info or Richard's website imperialfengshui.info where you can also sign up to receive Richard’s monthly newsletter and gain information on his Substack channel.
Happy listening!
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