
  • EP. 21 | The Importance Of Integrity

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB discuss integrity and how it affects people's lives. Analysing if integrity can be linked to religious beliefs and if a persons upbringing plays an important role.

    The duo then go on to speak about the alternative definition of integrity: the state of being whole or undivided. They then examine if the aspect of wavering on your opinion or perspective signals of a lack of integrity and how does integrity factor when a person is going through change.

    The overall tone of this episode is to be your unapologetic self true self and to not waver on your core values, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    58 分
  • EP. 20 | Do You Relate?

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB conclude their discussion around the different relationships. Starting with the relationships we have with religion; if introduced by choice or not and their divided opinions on religion as a whole.

    The duo then go on to speak about culture and traditions and how it can sometimes hinder you. Examining how there needs to be a healthy balance between traditions and the societal change. Also reminiscing on certain cultural traditions that are still compatible.

    The overall tone of this episode is having the freedom to choose and that questioning things is a necessary step to better understanding so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    1 時間
  • EP. 19 | Personal Relations

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB recommence where they left off from the previous episode discussing relationships: The dynamics and compromises that go into creating a healthy relationship and how having patience is paramount. The pair also confer about conflict resolutions, along with past examples.

    The duo then briefly go on to speak about relationships with culture and religion as well as experiences with traditions and practices .

    The overall tone of this episode is understanding the ways relationships exist throughout life and their affects, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    46 分
  • EP. 18 | Border Relations

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB start off discussing living in London in comparison to other countries/cities. The pair then delve into what they miss about London whilst abroad, through their own experiences.

    The duo then go on to speak about London mentality. The unapproachable, fast paced, high pressure culture and how it’s a stark contrast to other places within the UK. As well as discussing how your posture/demeanor can be determine where you reside.

    Lastly the pair briefly exchange views on relationship dynamics; communication, trust, compromise and emotional intelligence. The overall tone of the episode is discovery, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    57 分
  • EP. 17 | Remember

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB start off discussing memories and it's importance. Beginning with the negative and positive views of the word memory compared to its other iterations.

    The pair then exchange views on how memories shape your personality and identity as well as it's original use as a survival mechanism. The duo then analyse the difference between long term and short term memory.

    Lastly they delve into the personality traits shared between sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. Discussing the disorder and recalling encounters with those who have the characteristics . The overall tone of this episode is to not fall into the same mistakes and learn for our memories, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    55 分
  • EP. 16 | Resolve The New Year

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB start off discussing the end of the year and their recent experiences.

    The pair then exchange views on the New Year’s Eve hype and the expectations of going out during this period. Next the duo explore the psychology behind New Year’s resolutions. They analyse what drives people into setting goals, why they fail and methods in helping stick to the resolutions.

    Lastly the pair delve into ego and egotistical people. In relation to how their negative personality traits, may impact the people that surround them and their decisions. The overall tone of this episode is that formulating your own personal plan can be a helpful tool in achieving a set goal, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    58 分
  • EP. 15 | Christmas Criteria

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB stray from their usual format and start off discussing Christmas theme topics, such as the legendary figure Santa Claus, and if his an acceptable white lie. Coupled with conversing about the film, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The duo then lightheartedly discuss what constitutes as a Christmas movie. Lastly the pair delve into the concept of “misery loves company” and manipulation. The overall tone of this episode is to enjoy the festivities and to be positive rather than negative, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    53 分
  • EP. 14 | LET. IT. GO.

    In this episode Ryan The Real and JB start off discussing the topic of letting go, and why we as humans find it so hard. The duo then delve into aspect of being in limbo, and the understanding that it is a temporary state. The overall tone of this episode is life can be chaotic and you should live for the moment, so don’t just talk about change be the blueprint, MORE TALK MORE ACTION!

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    59 分