Get ready for a wild ride (upon a motocross bike, perchance) in Season 3, Episode 6 of BARRY: "710N." We spend some time breaking down the Donnie Darko-esque timeline of the Albert-Sharon-Fuches interactions, and ponder the pastry hierarchy that made Mitch a culinary sensation (and a casual therapist/oracle). Two episodes out from the end of the season, it's hard to imagine things getting worse for Barry...I mean, everyone stood him up at Sharon's dinner party! /s
Most Evil Guy is a fancast about the show BARRY on HBO, co-created by Bill Hader and Alec Berg. Each episode of the podcast covers one episode of the show. We end each episode with a Body Count and our Most Evil Guy. We strive to keep our episodes spoiler-free for those just finding the series. Language isn't PG, but also not as bad as the actual show. Episodes drop biweekly on Tuesdays.
Write to us at mostevilguy@gmail.com.
Cover art and intro/outro music by Rhi.