Things get bizarre and offensive in the penultimate episode of Season 3 of BARRY: "candy asses." We discuss the logic of fellating a concrete member to satisfy the urges of a young Medusa out on the town; the loaded usage of the "seaward" amongst and against gals; and Sally's descent into the full dark, no stars. Why didn't Sharon think through her weird revenge plot? Did George Krempf worry he would never live down that embarrassing moment in church? Will Barry die?!
Most Evil Guy is a fancast about the show BARRY on HBO, co-created by Bill Hader and Alec Berg. Each episode of the podcast covers one episode of the show. We end each episode with a Body Count and our Most Evil Guy. We strive to keep our episodes spoiler-free for those just finding the series. Language isn't PG, but also not as bad as the actual show. Episodes drop biweekly on Tuesdays.
Write to us at mostevilguy@gmail.com.
Cover art and intro/outro music by Rhi.