
  • 089 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

    Over the past few weeks, the news has been flooded with stories of countless graves of indigenous children, forgotten victims of Canada's Residential School system.

    This has brought into clear focus the horrible indignities done to our first nations over the span of more than a century and has forced many of us to open our eyes and recognize the horrible legacy of colonization and cultural genocide. 

    As someone lucky enough to born into a life of privilege, I've always known about residential schools, but like many of us, I had no idea of the depth of abuse and sadness that was connected to these schools. This past week has hopefully opened the door for these forgotten voices to finally be heard and the process of true reconciliation to begin. 

    It struck me that I haven't even read the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and so today, I'm going to use my voice to share them with you.

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  • 088 Bringing nature closer when you can't go far.

    If you'd like to listen to this episode, visit the show notes at www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep088

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  • 087 Ice Battleships and Alberta's Connection to WWII's Battle of the Atlantic.

    Visit www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep087 for links to additional information, historic images, and to listen to this episode.

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  • 086 Dangers of the Insect Apocalypse

    If you'd like to listen to this episode, please visit www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep086.

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  • 085 Looking at the 25th anniversary of the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone

    If you'd like to check out this episode, visit the web page at www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep085

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  • 084 Feeding Birds Ethically and Effectively

    To listen to this podcast, visit the show notes at www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep084.

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  • 083 The Real Story Behind the Movie The Revenant

    If you'd like to check out the show notes for this episode, visit www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep083

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  • 082 We're one of the top 15 podcasts on Ecology, and grizzlies digging up the high country

    If you'd like to check out the show notes for this episode, visit www.MountainNaturePodcast.com/ep082

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