Veteran severe-TBI survivor, Mark Elswick, brings humor and insightfulness to Brain Injury Radio. In honor of Veterans Day, the premiere episode will be dedicated to the military. His first-ever guest, Tawnya Scott, is the picture-perfect definition of the show's title, Moving Forward. Mrs. Scott's husband was injured while serving his country. He sustained an undiagnosed head injury. In fact, it wasn't until years later when several recurring issues persisted that he was diagnosed. With similar problems facing our vets when they return “home,” Tawnya had a vision in 2012 to help cure the dilemma. Today, her dreams are becoming reality. She started Together For the Good, INC. In a matter of months, Tawnya and TFTG are truly making a differnce.. It is imperative that listeners hear what she has to say as she helps our military hero’s to continue Moving Forward.