Welcome to The Luxe Pharmacist Podcast - Residency Series!
I’m so excited to be adding to The Residency Series with these Match episodes at such a pivotal time of the year for those pursing residency.
If you don’t already know this about me, back in 2019 as a student I got the devastating news that I had not matched to a PGY1 residency in Phase I and thankfully I did end up matching to an incredible residency in Phase II.
Because of my experience I am on a mission to break the stigma of what it means to not match and hopefully give you all some really great insights and advice that you can apply to your personal pharmacy journey.
In honor of Phase I Match Day this week, I am releasing My Match Story episode that was originally published in March 2020! Stay tuned the rest of this week from more match stories from pharmacists of all different backgrounds, training and journeys!
00:00 Intro
00:40 Reproduction disclaimer
01:30 Match Stories Intro
02:57 My Match Story - recorded in 2020
03:25 When I knew I wanted to pursue a residency
04:50 How I prepared for residency as a student
06:00 GPA is NOT everything
08:00 Follow your own path
08:51 My organization involvement
10:50 Research opportunities
12:04 Internships
13:00 Think outside the box
13:50 Be you and set yourself apart
14:40 Choose strong APPE rotations & use them to your advantage
17:20 How I approached the application process
19:20 Phase I applications, interviews, & rank
23:40 Everything happens for a reason
26:30 Match Day
31:30 The candidates that should apply to Phase 2
32:00 My Match day final thoughts & reflections from 2020
34:16 BONUS content - my Phase II experience and reflections from present day
44:50 Outro
Follow me on Instagram @theluxepharmacist & @theluxepharmacistpodcast