It's 2024 and Nadean and Olivia are back in your ears with a wealth of knowledge and practical tips for parents navigating the delicate balance of career and family. This episode is packed with empowering advice and is a game-changer for every working parent out there. We've got Fiona Killackey, successful businesswoman, founder of My Daily Business and dedicated mum of two. Fiona shares with us how she effectively balances work and family using time blocking and how she sets firm boundaries with friends, family and clients. With her practical tips on self-care, time-saving measures and daily business management, get ready to thrive in all aspects of your life. This episode is a gold mine for anyone looking to start this year with their best foot forward and prioritise what really matters.
For more insights on managing daily business, connect with Fiona on Instagram or explore her 'My Daily Business' podcast