In this episode of the AWM NFL Podcast, host Riccardo Stewart is joined by NFL veterans Zach Miller, Sam Acho, and Jeff Locke to discuss the thrilling NFL playoff season. The conversation goes beyond the field to explore the vital off-field aspects, including financial implications and preparations unique to this stage. Tune in for first-hand playoff experiences, financial insights, and advice on managing both expectations and earnings during this intense time.
Key Highlights
- Sam Acho shares the exhilaration of his first playoff game and the crucial learning about peaking at the right time.
- Jeff Locke discusses the importance of treating every playoff game with the same seriousness as the regular season, despite varying conditions.
- Zach Miller reveals how experience in the playoffs changes perspective and preparation methods.
- The panel explores how playoff compensation works and the importance of understanding its tax implications.
- Jeff Locke emphasizes maintaining a tight, trusted circle off the field during playoff season.
- "The further you go in the playoffs, it can start up to a few hundred thousand dollars that you weren't expecting, which is nice." — Zach Miller
- "Keep it tight. There's going to be a lot of people coming out of nowhere, wanting things from you." — Jeff Locke