
  • Going Round in Circles [Waves]

    Around the planet

    People go round in circles

    Around the planet

    Due to the unique way Neutrinowatch is created, you may need to consult the transcript to see who appears today.


    Created by Martin Austwick, with help from Jeff Emtman.

    Written and performed by:

    Jenny Adamthwaite | Martin Austwick | Emily Candela | Vera Chok | Fil Corbett | Jeff Emtman | Camilla Hannah | Adriene Lilly | Hannah McGregor | Molly Naylor | Joanna Neary | Dave Pickering | Jess Shane | Emily Shaw | Lily Sloane | Ella Watts | Mike Williams |

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter.

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    5 分
  • Dear John [Exquisite Corpus]

    Dear John [Exquisite Corpus]

    Wendy has something to share, if only she could find the right words. A discombobulated beat poem might convey her emotions better than a straightforward letter.

    [This is perhaps better enjoyed alongside its transcript, and a cooling beverage]


    Made by Martin Austwick with help from Jeff Emtman.

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter.

    Episode Transcript: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lw413tqm4pcnp325l5y9j/Dear-John-Exquisite-Corpus-_transcript.txt?rlkey=ynbfnfh7fn4kam6sal71vocu3&dl=0

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    3 分
  • You can really get to know someone by leafing through their diary [Almanac]

    Wendy does her best to understand her friend John Welles through the daily digital diary he’s been keeping.

    This episode may best be enjoyed with its transcript.


    Created by Martin Austwick, with help from Jeff Emtman.

    With thanks to Tim McSmythurs, Dave Pickering and Lily Sloane.

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter

    Transcript available at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ov3ggamee835tzt/You%20can%20really%20get%20to%20know%20someone%20by%20leafing%20through%20their%20diary%20%5BAlmanac%5D_transcript.txt?dl=0

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    3 分
  • Gus by Gus - Musings and Magic [Cartomancy]

    Alex and Rose are podcasters with a deep and unusual relationship to Gus Hommes’ music. Their podcast “Gus by Gus” explores the structure, politics, biography and spirituality of a different Gus Hommes song every day - for what might feel like an eternity.


    Created by Lily Sloane and Martin Austwick, with help from Jeff Emtman.

    With thanks to Sam Pay of @songbysongpod

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter

    Transcript available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y8bznxzb8h5lyn7/Gus%20by%20Gus%20-%20Musings%20and%20Magic%20%5BCartomancy%5D_transcript.txt?dl=0

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    2 分
  • Gluteal Strategies [Exquisite Corpus]

    Gluteal strategies serves up a creative kick every day to get you unstuck from that jam you’re in.


    Made by Martin Austwick and Jeff Emtman.

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter.

    Episode Transcript: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6hs1lpwvsuauzzm/Gluteal%20Strategies%20%5BExquisite%20Corpus%5D.txt?dl=0

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    1 分
  • The Zookeeper, the Bartender, and the Seafarer [Waves]

    Waves move through this story, somewhat governed by the gravitational action of the moon. That means at certain times of the month, some parts are going to be submerged, unfortunately. That’s just what happens when you write a piece involving the sea. I can’t stand around shouting at it like a podcaster version of Canute. It won’t make any difference.


    Created by Martin Austwick with help from Jeff Emtman.

    With thanks to Lily Sloane and Ross Sutherland.

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter.

    Episode Transcript: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/e0tcfwd38gb12lw/The%20Zookeeper%2C%20the%20Bartender%2C%20and%20the%20Seafarer%20%5BWaves%5D_transcript.txt?dl=0

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    11 分
  • The Daily Blast [Almanac]

    Wendy and her friend have a daily conference call to share the news. It’s always better to hear bad news from a friendly source.


    Created by Jeff Emtman with help from Martin Austwick

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter

    Transcript at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/95lka75i3asdjk9/The%20Daily%20Blast%20%5BAlmanac%5D.txt?dl=0

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    2 分
  • The World Outside My Window [Song a Day]

    It’s a song called The World Outside My Window. Every day the words and music are slightly different from the day before.

    It contains a Garden of Branching Lyrical Paths - but somehow we always get back to the same place. Sometimes we have to go through a probabilistic journey inspired by Quantum Computing to find our way home.

    (There are over a million possible variations of this song. Which one did you get?)


    Created by Martin Austwick with help from Jeff Emtman.

    Find us at neutrino.watch and @neutrinowatch on twitter.

    Episode transcript: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t66ju5iiju4fjyz/The%20World%20Outside%20My%20Window%20%5BSong%20a%20Day%5D.txt?dl=0

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    4 分