
  • How Can We Help Our Children Understand Mourning?

    In this episode of the New Hope Church podcast, we delve into the profound and often challenging topic of mourning. I, Randy Spacht, one of the pastors at New Hope, share how our sermon series on mourning has become particularly timely in light of recent events within our church community, including the passing of our friend John Kellams and the loss experienced by several members of our congregation.

    We begin by exploring the biblical foundation of grief, highlighting that the Old Testament, particularly the book of Psalms, contains a significant number of psalms of lament—62 out of 150, to be exact. I read Psalm 13, which exemplifies the structure of a lament: a complaint, a plea, a confession of trust, and a concluding praise. This psalm reflects the deep anguish and sorrow that can accompany mourning, a sentiment that resonates with many of us.

    Throughout the episode, I discuss various reasons for mourning, drawing parallels between David's experiences and our own. David mourned when faced with enemies, injustice, a sense of abandonment by God, his own sinfulness, and the loss of loved ones. I emphasize that while we may not face the same enemies as David, we can relate to feelings of being attacked, experiencing injustice, or feeling distant from God.

    I also touch on the personal nature of mourning, discussing how it can stem from various life circumstances, including the loss of relationships, the challenges of parenting, and the grief that comes with fostering children. Each of these experiences can lead to a sense of loss and mourning, even when they involve positive changes.

    As we navigate through these themes, I pose critical questions for reflection: Where are you mourning today? Has your mourning caused you to doubt God? How can you learn to trust amidst your grief? I encourage listeners to reach out for support, whether through pastoral staff or small community groups, emphasizing that mourning is a natural and valid response to life's challenges.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the New Hope Church podcast. If you found this discussion meaningful, please consider liking or subscribing on your favorite platform. We are here to support you as you seek to embody the love of Jesus in every aspect of your life.

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    29 分
  • Why Did Jesus Weep at Lazarus's Tomb?

    In this episode of the New Hope Church podcast, we continue our series titled "Good Grief," led by Pastor Zach Killey. The focus of today's discussion is on the themes of mourning, loss, lament, and the various challenges that life presents us. Zach dives deep into the well-known biblical story of Lazarus, found in John 11:1-44, to explore how we can navigate our grief and understand God's role in our suffering.

    Zach begins by reading the passage, setting the stage for the story of Lazarus, who falls ill and ultimately dies. He highlights the emotional weight of the narrative, particularly the reactions of Lazarus's sisters, Martha and Mary, who express their grief and frustration to Jesus, questioning why he did not arrive in time to save their brother. This moment serves as a powerful entry point for discussing our own feelings of anger and disappointment when faced with loss.

    Throughout the episode, Zach emphasizes three key takeaways from the story:

    God's Foreknowledge: Zach explains that God knows everything before it happens and is never caught off guard by our suffering. This realization can evoke complex emotions, including anger and relief. While it may be frustrating to acknowledge that God knew about our pain beforehand, it can also bring comfort to know that He sees the bigger picture and is working for our good, even when we cannot understand it.

    God Weeps with Us: In a poignant moment, Zach reflects on the significance of Jesus weeping at Lazarus's tomb. He points out that this act of empathy reveals a God who is not distant or indifferent to our suffering. Instead, He shares in our grief and understands our pain. Zach encourages listeners to embrace their emotions, including sadness and sorrow, and to bring those feelings to God, who desires a genuine relationship with us.

    The Greater Miracle: Finally, Zach addresses the miracle of Lazarus's resurrection, noting that while it is a profound event, it ultimately points to a greater truth: the promise of eternal life through Jesus. He acknowledges the reality that not all prayers for miracles are answered in the way we hope, but reassures listeners that the greatest miracle—Jesus's sacrifice and resurrection—offers us hope and redemption.

    As the episode concludes, Zach encourages listeners to recognize that life is filled with hardships, but we have a God who understands our struggles and walks alongside us in our grief. He invites everyone to trust in God's plan, to love those around them, and to find solace in the promise of eternal life.

    00:00:00 - Introduction to the Podcast
    00:00:14 - Series Overview: Good Grief
    00:00:43 - Reading the Story of Lazarus
    00:01:36 - God's Foreknowledge of Grief
    00:07:02 - Emotions: Anger and Relief
    00:10:40 - God Weeps with Us
    00:12:27 - Understanding Jesus' Tears
    00:15:34 - The Challenge of Miracles
    00:19:10 - The Greater Miracle: Salvation
    00:22:03 - Conclusion: Hope in Grief
    00:24:30 - Closing Prayer
    00:26:00 - Outro and Call to Action

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    27 分
  • Is Mourning Normal? Exploring the 5 Stages of Grief in the Book of Job

    Randy Spacht, one of the pastors at New Hope Church, delivers a powerful sermon on mourning in this podcast episode. The sermon is part of a series focusing on lament, loss, and mourning, inspired by the book of Job in the Old Testament. Randy delves into the five stages of grief proposed by psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

    He explores how Job, experiences extreme loss and suffering, going through each of these stages. Pastor Randy highlights how Job's dialogue with God reflects the normalcy of expressing emotions during mourning. Job's journey from questioning God to ultimately accepting the chaos in the world is a central theme in the sermon.

    Pastor Randy emphasizes the importance of continuous communication with God during times of grief, encouraging us to express our emotions and seek solace in prayer. He underscores the idea that God understands and walks alongside individuals in their pain, offering comfort and guidance through the mourning process.

    Throughout the episode, Randy provides practical advice on navigating grief, including acknowledging one's emotions, identifying the stage of grief, seeking support from others, and maintaining a dialogue with God.

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    29 分
  • Good Grief: Understanding Lament, loss and mourning

    Today's message of the New Hope Church podcast discusses the themes of mourning, loss, and lament in a series titled "Good Grief." Pastor Zack Killey, this episode explores the complexities of grief and how it can be a transformative experience when approached with the right perspective.

    Zack begins by questioning the societal norms around grief, highlighting the tendency to suppress sadness and put on a brave face. He emphasizes the importance of allowing oneself to grieve properly, acknowledging that it is okay to feel sadness and loss.

    We look into the root causes of grief, emphasizing that loss can manifest in various forms beyond death, such as the dissolution of relationships or shattered expectations. Through the biblical story of David, a flawed yet deeply human character, Zack illustrates the different ways individuals experience and process grief.

    The narrative shifts to Zack's personal journey, where he candidly shares his struggles with mourning and self-destructive behavior following a heartbreak. He reflects on how his prolonged mourning led to a period of darkness and self-destruction, ultimately realizing the need to turn to God for redemption and healing.

    Drawing from David's story and his own experiences, Zack underscores the importance of using mourning as a tool for introspection and spiritual growth. He emphasizes that while grief is a natural response to loss, it should not define one's identity or become a permanent state of being.

    Tune in to the New Hope Church podcast for more insightful discussions on faith, life, and the power of redemption. Remember, in the midst of grief, there is always hope.

    00:00:00 - Introduction to the Good Grief Series
    00:04:22 - Story of David: When Things Go Right
    00:12:02 - David's Mourning Process
    00:13:31 - Personal Story: When Mourning Goes Wrong
    00:18:28 - The Purpose of Mourning
    00:20:20 - Moving Forward from Mourning
    00:22:05 - Encouragement to Support Others in Mourning
    00:23:37 - Conclusion and Call to Action

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    24 分
  • Is the Western Church Falling Short in Spreading the Gospel?

    This week's message focused on the early church as depicted in Acts chapter 2, highlighting the simplicity and essence of what it means to be a part of the church.

    Pastor Zach delved into the key aspects of the early church, emphasizing the importance of gathering together in both large and small groups, dedicating themselves to the apostles' teachings, engaging in prayer, sharing meals together, and serving one another selflessly. The early church's commitment to meeting daily, praising God, and believing in miracles was also highlighted.

    Pastor Zach addresses the current state of the church in Western civilization, pointing out the decline in conversion growth and the lack of emphasis on spreading the gospel message. Emphasizing the need for believers to actively share the gospel with others and to prioritize reaching the lost.

    Throughout the message, Zach encouraged listeners to reflect on their role in sharing the message of Jesus Christ and to consider how they can align themselves with the truth of God's word in their daily lives.

    Overall, the episode served as a call to action for believers to embody the simplicity and power of the early church, to prioritize sharing the gospel, and to actively engage in serving others and spreading the message of Jesus Christ in their communities.

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    36 分
  • What Does It Mean to Speak the Truth in Love Within a Church Community?

    Podcast Episode Synopsis: "Unity in Community"
    The podcast episode from New Hope Church focuses on the theme of unity within the church community. Pastor Randy Spacht leads the discussion, emphasizing the importance of being part of a community and utilizing individual gifts to contribute to the collective growth of the church.

    The episode delves into the concept of the church as a community, highlighting the need for humility, gentleness, patience, and acceptance among members. Pastor Randy references Ephesians chapter 4, where Paul urges the Ephesian church to maintain unity and peace through understanding and embracing each other's differences.

    The discussion emphasizes the diversity of gifts within the church, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Pastor Randy shares personal experiences of discovering and utilizing his own gifts for teaching and encouragement, stressing the significance of each individual's unique contribution to the community.

    Furthermore, the episode addresses the challenges of individualism and the importance of active participation in a local church community. Pastor Randy encourages listeners to engage in various church activities, such as volunteering in children's ministries, English language learning programs, or community outreach initiatives.

    The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to discern their gifts, engage with the community, and actively seek opportunities to serve and support one another. Through prayer and intentional involvement, the podcast emphasizes the transformative power of unity in diversity within the church community.

    Overall, the episode serves as a reminder of the essential role of community, mutual support, and utilizing individual gifts for the collective growth and unity of the church.

    00:00:00 - Introduction to the Church Community
    00:05:30 - Embracing Unity in Diversity
    00:11:27 - Utilizing Spiritual Gifts for Growth
    00:20:41 - Importance of Being Part of a Local Church
    00:25:28 - Discovering and Using Spiritual Gifts
    00:30:14 - Unification Through Service and Truth in Love
    00:35:00 - Encouragement to Get Involved in Community
    00:38:29 - Reflection and Action Steps

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    41 分
  • Is Communion About More Than Bread and Wine?

    Pastor Zach Killey delivers a thought-provoking and introspective message in this podcast episode from New Hope Church. The episode is part of a series called Ekklesia, focusing on the essence of the church. Pastor Zach delves into the significance of communion within the church, emphasizing that communion is not just about the physical act but also about the greater truth it represents.

    Throughout the episode, Pastor Zach highlights the importance of ritual in the church, drawing parallels between the rituals of the Old Testament and the modern-day practices of communion. He emphasizes that while rituals are essential for reverence and focus, they should not overshadow the greater truth they symbolize.

    Pastor Zach challenges listeners to look beyond the details of communion rituals and focus on the unity and love that communion represents. He stresses the importance of seeing all individuals as equals and embracing the unity that comes from being in communion with God and each other.

    The episode culminates in a call to action for listeners to approach communion with a humble and open heart, recognizing the love and unity that it signifies. Pastor Zach encourages listeners to reflect on their relationships and their beliefs, ensuring that they are living out the true essence of communion in their daily lives.

    Overall, the message in this podcast episode serves as a reminder of the profound significance of communion and the unity it represents within the church community. With insightful reflections that challenge listeners to embody the spirit of communion in their interactions with others and in their relationship with God.

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    32 分
  • What changes are required to follow Jesus?

    In this episode of the New Hope Church podcast, Pastor Randy Spacht delves into the concept of being called to Jesus and the implications of this call on our lives as believers. The episode begins with Pastor Randy introducing the series on the church titled "Ekklesia," which means church in Greek. He highlights the collaborative nature of the pastoral team at New Hope Church and emphasizes the importance of coming together as a community of believers.

    Pastor Randy then delves into the biblical concept of being called out of the world and called to Jesus. He references Romans 8:29-30, emphasizing the logical progression of God knowing, choosing, calling, justifying, and glorifying His people. The primary focus of the call, Pastor Randy explains, is not merely to do something or go somewhere but to be in a personal relationship with Jesus.

    Drawing from various biblical passages, Pastor Randy highlights the transformative nature of answering the call to Jesus. He discusses how disciples in the Bible responded to Jesus' call and the changes they underwent in their lives. The episode emphasizes the call to be a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, and God's possession, as outlined in Exodus 19.

    Pastor Randy concludes the episode by urging listeners to respond to Jesus' call, connect with Him through scripture, prayer, and worship, and fulfill their role as royal priests by bringing others to Jesus. He challenges listeners to live lives that reflect their identity as God's chosen people and to be a light in the world.

    Tune in to the New Hope Church podcast for more insightful discussions on faith, community, and living out the call to Jesus in everyday life.

    00:00:14 - Introduction to New Hope Church Podcast
    00:00:45 - Introduction to Ekklesia Series
    00:03:13 - The Call to Jesus
    00:06:04 - Partnership with Jesus
    00:09:14 - Following Jesus Requires Change
    00:12:48 - Living a Life Worthy of God
    00:14:26 - Being Chosen, Royal Priests, Holy Nation, God's Possession
    00:22:00 - Responding to the Call to Jesus
    00:26:38 - Connecting with Jesus
    00:27:27 - Being a Royal Priest
    00:28:06 - Living as a Holy People
    00:29:08 - Conclusion and Call to Action

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