“How beautiful is my homeland, the more beautiful it is, the more my heart breaks.” From the song Ra Kargi Ram Khar being sung by protestors in Tbilisi. > Susan travels to Oxford to record a special video episode with Holly (Youtube: https://youtu.be/1sHbDZnUA9Y). Reflecting on the political situation in Georgia, while looking back at the past year and ahead to the next. - Giving an overview of the situation through the lens of folk songs and folk singers. - Sharing how the situation is affecting past podcast guests - Zoe Perret, Nino Naneishvili and Nana Mzchavanadze. - Exploring what folk music means now, what songs are being sung? We answer by singing live - in two voices. - Giving an update on 2025’s next episode with Dr. Teona Lomsadze. > Voices of the Ancestors podcast With Susan Thompson and Holly Taylor-Zuntz. > If you enjoyed this episode, why not buy the creators a coffee? On ko-fi.com/voicesoftheancestors Support the podcast on patreon www.patreon.com/voicesoftheancestors Sign up for our email updates and never miss an episode: eepurl.com/hhgoOf Navigate this episode with the searchable transcript, available here voicesoftheancestors.co.uk/transcripts >> Links: Independent Georgian news sources in English: https://oc-media.org/ https://www.instagram.com/formulaenglish/?hl=en