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Hey, Welcome back to a new school year! We look forward to sharing our experiences and wisdom with you all.
As with all back to school staff meetings we start off with a cringy ice breaker. We are comparing ourselves to our favorite chocolate bars, and then delve into our podcast's exciting plans for the year in light of our recent staff updates. We'd love for you to hop onto this fun train and tell us what chocolate bar represents you best on Instagram!
Moving forward, we unpack the art of setting up classrooms that foster creativity and independence among children. We discuss the significance of loose parts in classrooms and how teaching children their use and clean-up can be transformative. We also delve into how social media influences our perspective towards organizing learning spaces and how 'layering provision' can be a game-changer in identifying classroom needs. We wrap up this segment by discussing the power of keen observation and how it can enhance the learning process for children.
Lastly, we acknowledge the elephant in the room for many educators – work-life balance. We share our personal stories and strategies for switching off, nurturing hobbies like gardening and accomplishing a digital detox. We even dabble in the fun part - our exciting engagement with listeners on TikTok. So, join us in exploring ways to create engaging learning environments, allowing children the freedom to explore, and striking that elusive work-life balance.
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