• How a robust trade function can help businesses leverage opportunities

    In this episode, BASF Group Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director Geoff Mackey and EY UK Trade Strategy and Brexit Leader Sally Jones discuss international trade strategies. With the Brexit agreement delivered, attention has now turned to how businesses globally will respond to change. Though not every industry is affected by Brexit, industries that engage more in international trade are noticing remarkable changes. While it’s too soon to determine the full impact of Brexit on businesses, it is clear that challenges are exacerbating the trade environment disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. British businesses must prepare a resilient international trade strategy to help them survive and thrive in this unprecedented transition period. With appropriate trade functions and resilient trade strategies, businesses will emerge stronger and more profitable. 17 mins

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    18 分
  • How political risks are adding complexities to supply chains

    In this episode, we explore the US industrial policy and its impact on trade. Doug Bell, EY Global Trade Policy Leader, and Courtney Rickert McCaffrey, EY Global Geostrategic Business Group Insights Leader, discuss businesses’ response to government intervention, the Executive Order from the US Government ‘America’s Supply Chains,’ plus what they hear from the policymakers. 19 mins

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    20 分
  • What manufacturers are doing to mitigate the impact of trade disruption

    Our focus this time is on the major disruption in global trade and the impact on trade networks. Jim Morton, Managing Director, Consulting, Ernst & Young LLP and Jay Bezek, EY Global Trade Senior Manager, look at key influences to reduce volatility in global trade and the type of reforms needed to minimize interruption to ocean freight. 22 mins

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    22 分
  • How the chip crisis is driving carmakers to rethink supply chain tactics

    Our topic for this episode is the shortage of semiconductors and the impact on the automotive industry. Anil Valsan, EY Global Automotive & Transportation Lead Analyst, discusses chipaggedon’s effects, and looks at how manufactures have reacted. 17 mins

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    17 分
  • Why a balance between e-commerce trade and mitigating risks is required

    Our focus for this episode is e-Commerce, including how much customs formalities differ around the world, and the effect of consumer expectations on risk assessment and compliance. Joining us once again to share their expertise and insight are Brenda Brockman Smith, former Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Trade, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Dan Dreyfus, Global Trade and Customs Leader at EY. 20 mins

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    20 分
  • Why organizations must address the issue of forced labor

    Welcome to a brand new podcast series sharing expert insight into how organizations can respond to a volatile global trade market. Our topic this episode is forced labor — its impact on supply chains and businesses’ hard fought reputations. Our distinguished guests are Brenda Brockman Smith, Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Trade, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and Dan Dreyfus, EY Global Trade and Customs Leader. 20 mins

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    20 分