
  • Intuitive Singing for Self-Healing: Personal Journey Beyond Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Leyna Roget

    Starting this summer season with lovely nature nomad Leyna Roget. Leyna is a Somatic & Shamanic Multigenerational Trauma Therapist, Medical Intuitive, Emotional Energy Healer, and Ritual Sound Storyteller. She has a miracle healing story from 25 years with a colostomy bag and autoimmune inflammatory bowel (Crohn's Disease) diagnosis. She is serving highly sensitive, high-achieving leaders to resolve mental and physical illness to free their soul's voices for a more intuitive and embodied life.

    We let the flow guide our conversation and touched on topics such as: using sound and relationships for healing, how to change your frequency with presence, taking responsibility for your own healing, bridging Western and Alternative Medicine modalities, learning to transform with your pain and emotions, and how your spiritual and material sides connect for health.

    Insight into the episode:

    01:09 Sound healing through instruments and voice

    08:01 Leyna’s story

    27:06 Listening to your body

    38:12 Noticing your body talking to you

    45:36 Dealing with anger

    52:48 Western and alternative medicine

    01:04:03 Leyna’s healing work

    01:04:44 Gaining back your empowerment

    Find Leyna from:

    Instagram l https://www.instagram.com/playfulpriestess/

    Facebook l https://www.facebook.com/groups/EvolutionaryLeadershipCollective/

    Email l support@leynaroget.com

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    1 時間 26 分
  • Embracing Your Femininity: Exploring desires, motherhood, and relationship dynamics – Megan Lambert

    I am honored to welcome Megan Lambert to my No Limits podcast.

    Megan is an intimacy expert, relationship coach, podcast host, and best-selling author but foremost wife and a mom. She's on her ever-evolving life journey, with one central aim - to help the world embrace the transformative power of the feminine and help men and women have more love, better sex, and deeper personal alignment.

    I was lucky to meet Megan at the couples' intimacy retreat she hosted with her husband. The retreat drastically changed my life and my relationship. And that's why I decided to bring her presence and knowledge to all my listeners as well.

    In this episode we concentrate on embracing your femininity and go through topics such as finding your feminine side, feeling guilty about taking a break, mind vs. body, learning about your desires, what it means to be a turn-on, getting through the more challenging days of motherhood, keeping your relationship blossoming throughout parenthood.

    05:05 Megan’s story of finding her path

    08:34 The balance of masculine and feminine energy

    14:26 What’s the biggest obstacle for women to connect with their feminine

    18:23 Scheduling your work around your menstrual cycle

    22:17 What is femininity

    25:59 Practical tip on how to connect with your feminine

    36:16 How to bring your feminity into your relationship?

    55:54 Staying connected with feminity throughout motherhood

    Find Megan Lambert from:

    Instagram l https://www.instagram.com/megandlambert/

    Website l https://www.megandlambert.com/

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    1 時間 15 分
  • Unlock the power of breath, qi gong and mind for optimal body – Nicholas Micalizzi

    In this podcast episode, I sat down with Nicholas Micalizzi. Nicholas is a wellness professional with over 23 years of experience. He has dedicated his career to helping individuals achieve optimal health and well-being. Beginning as a personal trainer specializing in breathwork and emotional well-being, he has become a highly sought-after life coach and wellness lecturer. He has expertise in multiple fields such as strength and conditioning, weight management, nutrition, sports performance, emotional intelligence, breathwork meditation, Qigong, and energy healing.

    In this episode, we concentrate on training your body holistically, which means taking care of your body, mind, and soul simultaneously. We touch on topics such as staying positive in the hardest moments, offering personal training with a holistic view, how our thoughts create our life, getting out of our comfort zone, being determined about our goals, qigong practice, helping your children understand emotions, and much more. 

    01:13 Nicholas story

    15:25 How Nicholas integrated a holistic view into his personal training

    21:30 How Nicholas ended up creating his service

    30:11 Nicholas’s journey on building his success in a totally new environment and country

    34:42 Staying connected with your body while reaching for physical gaol

    39:14 Discovering the energy

    46:25 Teaching about emotions to your children

    55:49 The process of training with Nicholas

    Find Nicholas from:

    Instagram l https://www.instagram.com/nicholasmicalizzi/

    Website l https://nicholasmicalizzi.com/

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.micalizzi

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    1 時間 3 分
  • Peresüsteem: Kuidas mõjutab minevik sinu olevikku? – Karina Karis

    Tänases episoodis istun maha Karinaga, et tuua teieni telgitagused meie peagi algavast kursusest! Karina Karis on Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliiniku kliiniline psühholoog ning töötab peamiselt söömishäiretega. Meie kohtusime Karinaga petereraapia väljaõppes, mis on viinud meid ühisele teekonnale aitamaks inimesi paremate suheteni.

    Selles episoodis avame teemasid nagu grupis töötamise olulisus enesearengus, milliste probleemide korral võiks kursusel osaleda, miks me ärritume suhtes pisiasjade peale, mis on süsteemse ja individuaalse teraapia vahe, peremustritest ja paljust muust.

    08:22 Kas see kursus võib olla sinule?

    15:37 Mida võivad leida enda jaoks kursuselt lapsevanemad?

    21:30 Süsteemse ja individiduaalse teraapia vahe

    29:39 Mis on peremustrid?

    33:55 Kuidas kursus sind aidata saab?

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    44 分
  • Beyond beliefs: Breaking free from societal pressures – Vishen Lakhiani

    I’m happy to welcome Vishen Lakhiani on our new No Limits podcast episode! I was fortunate enough to become friends with him a few years ago and have been inspired by him since then.

    Vishen is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and personal growth and development speaker. He is the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a leading education platform that delivers transformational programs and courses to millions worldwide.

    In this episode, we touch on topics such as being controversial, dogmas in society, passing down religions, current political situation, different life views, “The 6 Phase Meditation” book, the difference between love and compassion, reducing anxiety, and much more.

    01:15 Vishen’s story of self-awareness

    16:04 Tips for parents on how to raise their child in the world of religion

    18:11 Religion vs movement

    19:46 The story behind Mindvalley

    24:16 What is a win-win attitude in business?

    34:46 Human development stages by Ken Wilber’s

    40:05 How to bring people more to a world-centric view?

    43:17 Sharing your knowledge with the world

    46:40 The background of Six phase meditation

    48:58 What are the six phases?

    54:54 Why is forgiveness important?

    Find Vishen from:

    Website l https://www.vishen.com/

    Instagram l https://www.instagram.com/vishen/

    Facebook l https://www.facebook.com/vishenlakhiani

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    1 時間 3 分
  • Kuidas elada üle lahkuminek ja oma süda avatuna hoida? – Artjom Kostjuk

    Mul on au tuua teieni meeletult ehe ja aus vestlus Artjomiga! Seekord on meil eriti raske kuid avardav teema: lahkuminek ja südame purunemine.

    Kuulame Artjomi lahkuminekulugu. Saame teada, kuidas tema üks kõige raskemaid väljakutseid sai üheks seni kõige võimsamaks arengukohaks.

    Artjom on tantsu- ja meditatsiooni muusika DJ ja muusikaprodutsent, heliterapeut, energia tervendaja. Lisaks loob ta “string art” stiilis kunsti ja graafilist disaini.

    Puudutame selles episoodis mitmeid teemasid nagu hääle avamine, üksteise kuulamine suhtes, alateadlikud hirmud, armastusega lahti laskmine, peremustrid, peale lahkuminekut sõpradeks jäämine, eelmiste elude rajad ja enda loo jagamisest.

    00:54 Mis on helirännak ja kuidas see inimest aidata saab?

    07:58 Mis on string art?

    16:17 Kuidas hoida süda lahti, kui see on tegelikult kildudeks?

    31:05 Armastusega lahti laskmine

    38:07 Emotsioonide läbi elamine

    47:15 Armastusse jäämine lahku minnes

    57:27 Miks valida armastus vihkamise asemel?

    01:00:45 Kolm nõuannet lahkuminekuks

    Leia Artjom:

    Instagram l https://www.instagram.com/artiammusic/

    Koduleht l https://artiam.space/

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    1 時間 4 分
  • Multiorgasmiline elu: Kuidas rikastada oma seksuaalsust? – Tom Valsberg

    Jätkame No Limits podcasti 2. hooaega oluliste teemadega! Sel korral on meil külas Tom Valsberg oma täies headuses, rääkimas meile teadlikust seksuaalsusest. Tomi tegevusvaldkonnad ulatuvad seinast seina- sellegi poolest on tema viimaste aastate kõige südamelähedasema missioon olnud Eesti meeste (kui ka naiste) seksuaalse teadlikkuse tõstmine.

    Selles episoodis räägime lähemalt Tomi teekonnast seksuaalsuseni, naiste rahuldamisest, ruumi hoidmisest ja kohalolust, seemnepurske tagasihoidmisest, pornosõltuvusest ja paljust muust põnevast. Kuula ise juba lähemalt!

    Sissevaade episoodi:

    08:45 Tomi teadliku seksuaalsuse teekonna algus

    10:19 Erinevad teadliku seksuaalsuse praktikad

    16:16 Miks naised on rahuldamata?

    20:26 Miks pärinevad vanimad seksuaalõpetused just Aasiast?

    27:29 Teadlikus seksuaalsuses kaob ära eesmärk

    31:37 Ebateadlikult seemnepurske vältimise ohukohad

    38:31 Mis on meeste peamine põhjus teadliku seksuaalsuse poole pöördumiseks?

    43:19 Pornosõltuvusest

    53:48 Tomi edasised plaanid

    01:00:02 Endale sobiva suhtetüübi leidmine

    01:03:31 Naiste seksuaalõpetused

    Leia Tomi tegemiste kohta rohkem infot siit:

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/tomvalsberg/

    Koduleht | https://tomwalsberg.ee/

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/tomestonia/

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    1 時間 15 分
  • Elukestev rahuldustpakkuv suhe: Kas müüt või tegelikkus? – Liine Põldsam

    No Limits podcasti 2. hooaeg läheb käima nüüd!

    Esimese episoodina toome teieni põneva jutuajamise Liine Põldsamiga. Juba kohe, kohe on võimalik registreerida end 27. veebruaril algavale kurusele “Igavese armastuse võti”. Just seetõttu toome teieni selle episoodi, kus räägime lähemalt algavast kursusest ning kõigest sellega seonduvast.

    Sukeldume teemadesse nagu: mis on tunnetekeskne paariteraapia, kuidas see inimesi aidata saab, millised on peamised probleemid paarisuhetes, kuidas meie uus kursus “Igavese armastuse võti” paare kui ka vallalisi inimesi aidata saab, mida teha kui partner pole veel valmis teraapiasse minema ja kuidas kursus on üles ehitatud.

    00:51 Mis on tunnetekeskne paariteraapia?

    04:22 Tunnetekeskne paarietraapia versus teised paariteraapiad

    08:09 Mis probleeme saab tunnetekeskse paariteraapiaga lahendada?

    10:09 Kuidas võib lähedusepuudus suhtes väljenduda?

    13:05 Milline on turvaline ja lähedane suhe?

    16:32 Kui kiiresti on kursust läbides tulemusi märgata?

    20:35 Mida inimene sellest kursusest saab?

    26:04 Edukaid näiteid elust enesest

    35:53 Mis siis kui pole veel valmis teraapiaks?

    38:35 Kellele on “Igavese armastuse võti” kursus mõeldud?

    45:01 Kuidas kursus aitab intiimsuhet parendada?

    Registreeri end kursuse ootelisti siin: https://www.lifecoachleisi.com/courses

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    50 分