• Potassium-K Lab Value Levels- What I Wish I Knew...

    What I Wish I Knew: Potassium-K Lab Value Levels

    For resources to help you master Potassium and ALL the lab values, we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/labvalues.

    What do bananas, avocados, and kale all have in common?


    For more resources to help you understand Potassium, Hyperkalemia and Hypokalemia, click here:

    What role does it play in the body?

    What’s a normal range level for potassium?

    And what happens when potassium levels are too low or too high?

    On a shift early in my career, while I was still being oriented to the unit, I held tight to that rule of NEVER pushing IV potassium even when my preceptor was providing instructions that conflicted with that big rule. Here is that story...

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    15 分
  • Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation | How I Learned ABGs
    For resources to help you master ABGs and ALL the LabVales, we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/LabValues. At NURSING.com you can learn everything you need to know as a nurse about ABGs including gas exchange, acidosis, alkalosis (metabolic and respiratory), normal lab value ranges, and more. We also cover key concepts for NCLEX for arterial blood gases. Our gas exchange nursing care plan covers impaired gas exchange nursing management, impaired gas exchange interventions, impaired gas exchange diagnosis, etc. Excerpt:

    This patient’s lungs were so bad, gas exchange had to take place outside of his body... Learning to read ABGs, and understanding what to do with that information is a very important skill for any nurse, but particularly a cardiovascular ICU nurse.

    Hi I am Nurse Abby, and I loved working in the cardiovascular ICU - that was truly one of my favorite nursing jobs. Today I want to share with you the story of one of my MORE complicated patients.

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    14 分
  • What I Wish I Knew | My Patient With Distributive Shock
    For resources to help you master Cardiac topics, we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/heart. At NURSING.com you can learn everything you need to know as a nurse about distributive shock including distributive shock pathophysiology, distributive shock definition, types of distributive shock, and more. We also cover key concepts for NCLEX on distributive shock nursing. Our distributive shock nursing care plan covers distributive shock nursing management, distributive shock interventions, distributive shock diagnosis, etc. Excerpt:

    This week I opened up some old nursing school notes, and I started remembering how hard nursing school really was!

    I remember, in particular, getting a little confused between the different types of shock.

    When I was studying distributive shock I found one key 🔑 point that actually cleared up a lot of the misunderstandings and confusion. That started to really turn things around for me in nursing school!

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    7 分
  • What I Wish I Knew | Coronary Artery Disease CAD for Nurses
    For resources to help you master Cardiac topics, we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/heart. At NURSING.com you can learn everything you need to know as a nurse about coronary artery disease including coronary artery disease pathophysiology, coronary artery disease symptoms, coronary artery disease treatment, and more. We also cover key concepts for NCLEX on coronary artery disease nursing. Our coronary artery disease nursing care plan covers coronary artery disease nursing management, coronary artery disease interventions, coronary artery disease diagnosis, etc. Excerpt: "One afternoon I got a phone call from Todd - our content director here at NURSING.com.

    Hey man, so uh, just letting you know that I’m at the hospital being admitted. I’m having a heart attack, so I probably won’t be in tomorrow."

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    21 分
  • What I Wish I Knew | My Patient with Heart Failure (CHF)

    For resources to help you master Cardiac topics we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/heart. At NURSING.com you can learn everything you need to know as a nurse about heart failure (CHF) including: heart failure pathophysiology, heart failure pharmacology (heart failure medications), heart failure symptoms heart failure treatment, and more. We also cover key concepts for NCLEX for heart failure nursing. Excerpt: "So let me tell you about this patient of mine. They had just come out of heart surgery for what is referred to as the ROSS Procedure. Part of this procedure requires the surgeon to reattach the coronary arteries to the aorta. While reattaching them, they were accidentally sutured closed. "

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    5 分
  • What I Wish I Knew | My Patient With Angina
    For resources to help you master Cardiac topics we have a FREE Cheatsheet Download at NURSING.com/heart. At NURSING.com you can learn everything you need to know as a nurse about agina including: angina symptoms, anginal pharmacology, the difference between stable and unstable angina, and more. We also cover key concepts for NCLEX for angina nursing. Excerpt: ". . . it wasn't my patient that I should have been worried about

    When my patient's son said he wasn't feeling right, it would have been easy to assume it was because of the stress he was under.

    He was visiting his sick mom . . . in the ICU nonetheless.

    But something just didn’t feel right"

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    8 分
  • Voices For The Voiceless | What It Means To Become An ICU Nurse

    ICU Nurses- Voices for the Voiceless For more on cardiac care to help you in nursing school visit


    Roughly 1 out of every 3 patients in the Intensive Care Unit, on average, are unable to communicate. Because of this, the role of an ICU nurse stretches far beyond providing medical care alone, but also acting as an advocate, or a voice for the voiceless to ensure that these patient’s needs, rights, and wishes are heard, recognized and respected. In doing so, these warriors in scrubs essentially embody the very essence of healthcare: compassion, advocacy, and unwavering commitment to patient welfare.

    Welcome to the NURSING Family, we call it the most supportive nursing cohort on the planet. At NURSING.com, we want to help you save time in nursing school as we take you from discouraged and stressed to motivated and passionate with clear and concise, must-know information to help you pass your tests and improve your grades, so that you can focus on becoming an amazing nurse. YOU CAN DO THIS! Check out our freebies and learn more at: (www.nursing.com)

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    13 分
  • Keeping Up With The Carditises- Heart Inflammation

    For more Carditis and the heart just visit NURSING.com/heart.

    Did you know that the average human heart beats 100,000 times a day, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood?

    Now, imagine if this vital pump was under threat from, pericarditis, myocarditis, or endocarditis and couldn’t pump effectively.

    In this episode we will look at the importance of understanding carditis and an easy way that I used in nursing school to remember the area affected by each type; then, run through a quick scenario at the end to apply what we have learned.

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    11 分