What if 2023 could be different?
What could be transformed if you allowed your mind, heart, and soul to marinate on one word and really let it work? I bet God would open your eyes in incredible ways!
With Scripture, God gives us the answers we crave as we cling to the hope that this year will be different than the last. So let's turn to His Word as we focus on a direction for the next twelve months as we allow our "ONE" Word to speaks life. Let's look to the Lord as we choose one word that will help us intentionally live our faith in 2023.
Let us help you take action now that you have found your "ONE" word.
This podcast is to help you apply your One Word throughout the year.- Now you have to figure out how you can apply your One Word into your life, your business, your surroundings etc. You want take a look at the most important aspect of your life — faith,family, work/ school/ business, and environment.
- Now lets keep your word where you can see it every day. Whatever you do, keep your word where it will inspire you and help inform the choices you make and how you think about things.
Tragedy of life is not death; but what we let die inside us while we are still alive
Your TurnDo you have a One Word? God wants to do an amazing work in you during this season! Could you share some ideas on what to do with your One Word?
Share your word in the comments to inspire and encourage others!
All you have to do is to take action right now and if u do, I’ll be so excited to see what your life will be like. Hope you enjoy the podcast!