
  • Relationships we need to nurture as Muslims ( Season Finale)
    As Muslims there are certain relationships we must nurture and maintain in our lives. In this episode I talk about those important relationships and how to maintain them. I also take it further by talking about the importance of maintaining sabr and Tawakkul. This is the last episode of the season. I had so much fun this season and I can’t wait to see you guys next year💕
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    28 分
  • Pushing forward in times of difficulty
    I’m this episode I discuss the difficulty of getting through adversity and low seasons. I also seek to give out tips that have worked for me on how to kickstart the process of moving forward. Because WALLOWING is not the answer. Pushing through the difficult times, and the tough periods is something we all have to do. Whether it be personal, business, mental, or emotional, there are lots of variables, unknowns, and circumstances we all must handle and deal with. One of the hardest things to do is to push through the tough times and come out on the other side. Often times, it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially when you’re inside of it, and in the thick of things. But the only way to get to there is by pushing through and persevering. It’s tough for everyone, and in lots of different situations unique to themselves and their lives. It is my hope that episode is able to guide a good chunk of individuals in starting their journey
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    39 分
  • Being a woman in the corporate environment : It’s a mans world and women are just living in it
    Just a heads up this episode is not feminist attack on men This episode is simply about the struggles women go through as it pertains to the professional working environment In this episode I have invited Maryam and Ann who have all had experiences of working in a professional capacity to tell you about what it means to be a women the professional environment. From being hit on by male superiors, to having to work 10x harder to prove yourself , to not even have the support of other females. It can be a lot!!! So join as we talk about our personal experiences and how we overcame it. From being hit on by male-co workers, to being looked as incompetent to even your fellow females not supporting you It’s alot
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    1 時間 23 分
  • Balancing your mental health and staying true to your inner self (feat Tawhida)
    In the past few years, conversations on mental health has been quite controversial in our country. With some people denying in its existence and others believing it to be as real as fracture one would get on their leg I’m an advocate for the latter and I believe our mental health is just as important as our physical……..sometimes even more. In this episode join me and @tawhida.xx as we talk on how to balance your mental health and stay true to your inner self. Your mental health is like a slippery slope and achieving a healthy mental state is all about achieving a good balance in your life. When your work, relationships, and self are attended to, it also reflects on your mental health Now reaching a balance is a learning process, it’s not a walk in the park. You may lose your footing and find it impossible to find your way back. Which is why we decided to have conversation on how to reach a balance, how to stay true to yourself, how to deal with the pressure of being in a household where your mental state is not considered an illness and ultimately how to be a better version of yourself
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    57 分
  • Things I wish every single female knew (feat Lovely)
    They say that the best time to live your life is when you’re single And no this isn’t a ploy or consolidation to us single women out there It’s actually true Being single is the best time to be able to know and discover who you are. What your dreams are, your goals, your values. Where you want to be in the next 5-10 years. It also helps you learn to love yourself and learn how just because you’re alone, doesn’t mean you should wallow and be sad. But use as an avenue to build yourself into the best version of yourself Which is why myself and lovely came up with a list of things we believe every single woman should know before she finally settles down
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    1 時間 9 分
  • Stop making excuses
    We make excuses all the time, sometimes for our failures, sometimes as a shield for why we’re not doing what we wanna do with our lives . In this episode I talk about the importance of not making excuses. I talk about ways in which we can stop making excuses so we can finally achieve all our goals and be the person we always wanted to be
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    30 分
  • Your health and fitness are gold (feat Bello)
    Part of being a better you or version of yourself is not to only look at your mental, spiritual and emotional being but also your physical being A lot of times, especially in Nigeria we feel like if there isn’t a problem why should we bother fixing it ? We hardly pay attention to what we consume everyday? We don’t make it habit to eat healthy once in while We don’t remember the last time we tried to get our heart rate up? Or went for a run ? Or even a stroll We take so much advantage of our health and fitness. You don’t have to be overweight to order a salad or go for a run. You don’t have to be gym bro to lift weights. Being fit and healthy goes way beyond that and would prove to impact your life wayy more positively than you would expect Join me and my guest Bello as we talk about why you should care about your health and the benefits behind eating and living a healthier lifestyle
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    1 時間 13 分
  • Self-sabotage and how to overcome it (feat Faisal & Aisha)
    Do you know what it means to self-sabotage ? I believe the meaning is quite self explanatory from the name itself Have you ever found yourself working toward an important goal only to spectacularly fail because you did something “stupid” Self-sabotage is often driven by you talking yourself down, you tell yourself that you're inadequate, or unworthy of success. You find yourself thinking things like, "You can't do that!" "You don't deserve that." "If you try, you'll probably just fail anyway." That in turn makes you purposely fail at something and this can be in terms of you career, academics and even relationships Manyyy people go through this Question now is…, how do you get over it ? How do you stop yourself from being your enemy of progress ? Myself, Faisal and Aisha dive into what self-sabotage is ( because you might be doing it unconsciously) and how to overcome it
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    55 分