In this episode, I talk about more about being the “safe” guy around whom women feel comfortable.
This is important to think about because where you meet her can affect how she feels about you in the beginning. That is, a new woman can see you as good guy or a Creep - depending on what you say and do. When she sees you as a good guy who is “safe,” the conditions for her to feel attracted to you go way up.
Episode Notes:
RR41. No matter where you are, know your reason for being there.
- Sharing your reason for being in a place gives a stranger information about you - which fills in an informational gap in their mind.
- When your reason for being somewhere is well-defined, you look more trustworthy...and less creepy to women.
- When you share your reason for being in a particular place, you might have an instant conversation starter.
- Purpose Defined Setting = A place where people are centered around a common activity, shared thoughts, or shared focus.
- Typically, trust and rapport is more easy to establish in a Purpose Defined Setting.
Quote to Remember:
“When women see a guy as a creeper, it means that they ALREADY perceive the guy as weird or threatening because he’s staring, circling, hovering, lurking. So, even if the guy is a kind-hearted person, and he dresses well, and he’s in shape, and he’s good looking…it’s game over for him.”
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