
  • The Book Of James - Part 14

    We continue in the book of James, chapter 5, verses 7 - 12. Pastor Wayne Boersma shares about patience and walking through hardships.

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    54 分
  • Thoughts On Parenting

    Pastor Wayne brings an insightful message on the importance of parenting. The rewards and challenges - sleepless nights and changing diapers in the infant stage to navigating adult-child relationships later on. When we invite the Holy Spirit to be a part of the journey with us, we can lean on His help and wisdom in every stage.

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    43 分
  • Keys To Victory

    Join Pastor Mitchell as he dives into the story of Joshua and the fall of the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6), and how there are clear keys in Joshua's story that contributed to the victory that he (and the Israelites) experienced!

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    41 分
  • The Book Of James - Part 13

    Pastor Wayne Boersma continues his series on the book of James, moving onto chapter 5, verses 1-6. These verses warn about acquiring riches through dishonest or fraudulent means and heaping up treasures selfishly. Instead, the Bible urges us to be generous. The liberal person shall be enriched (Proverbs 11:25 AMP).

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    48 分
  • Connections and Growth

    Continuing from the previous messages on The Power of Prayer and Fasting, Pastor Wayne Boersma shares from Matthew 6:17 & 18 and Isaiah 57:15 how God promises a reward for those who humble themselves and seek Him, leading to deeper spiritual growth and breakthrough in our lives.

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    43 分
  • The Power of Prayer and Fasting - Part 2

    Pastor Wayne continues his message on the power of prayer and fasting, focusing on Isaiah 57:15 and how humility and humbling oneself in the Bible went hand in hand with prayer and fasting before the Lord. The verse also talks about how God desires to revive and restore the spirit of the humble. There is great reward in humbling ourselves in prayer and fasting before the Lord!

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    54 分
  • The Power of Prayer and Fasting

    It's the start of a new year and another opportunity to seek God for His plans and purposes! Join us as Pastor Wayne Boersma speaks on the power of prayer and fasting according to the Bible and the benefits that prayer and fasting together hold for us in our walk with Jesus!

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    1 時間
  • The Kingdom of Heaven

    Join us for our first service of 2025 and listen in as our guest speaker Marc Brisebois shares a special message on the Kingdom of Heaven!

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    52 分