Why take a SOUL-LO trip? This episode I dive into my experience traveling alone, why it's important to me, and how my most recent SOUL-LO disney trip was different and special. This episode discusses finding freedom in your body and connection to yourself by asking the question "who am I?" and learning how to not be afraid to listen or take the time to explore it.
by Cait Apple
Might be about change
or growth
or might be about
back to yourself
Falling back in love with who you
once were
and reigniting passions you
once had
From the lens of your wonderfully
evolved self
reaching out and
hugging that
Little You
who is no longer
scared of coming out of
her shell
You and her walk hand and hand
And evolve and revolve in a magical
Glitter globe of turning doors
Spinning gleefully till
you both fall down
Not from failure
but from laughter
you didn’t know was still trapped in
there all this time"
ONE SPOT LEFT FOR MY RETREAT in SEPTEMBER! Join us if it call to your SOUL.
email me at: Caitlinwithsecondstory@gmail.com to receive your free disney trip quote or just to chat :)