In todays episode I interview a very dear friend of mine, lifelong Yogi, Lune Axlesen (@luner_unit) to talk about how we both have rehabed from MAJOR sporting injuries over the past few years. Lune tore her right Meniscus climbing and her left ACL snowboarding. I bulged my L4-L5 and herniated my L5-S1 snowboarding.
Join us as we break down the "Feel Everything. Resist Nothing." Philosophy.
In addition we broke down what we believe to be the 4 stages of effectively moving through and ultimately overcoming sports injuries.
- Mindset & Belief
- Meditation & Breath-Work
- Learning & Applying New Fitness Modalities
- Consistent Practice
Ultimately, don't let other people or even doctors program into your mind that this is what your "new life" looks like...
Go see lune at Access Fitness in Kalispell, MT on Wednesdays & Saturdays to get into your Yoga flow.
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> Link to Divinity Group career overview video: divinitygroupllc.com/our-team