For this She Words episode, the host Alicia Ramsey shares information, inspiration, and principles in the conversation entitled, Parenting Teens With Technology. I am not a medical doctor, clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist. I am a leadership coach, spiritual leader, and mother that is going to take time to share how caregivers can address technology usage with teenagers. The host talks about how to handle the situation when their technology usage is inappropriate:
1. Communicate why it was wrong.
2. Explain the consequences of their actions outside of your house and inside of your house.
3. Be consistent!
4. Make the consequence appropriate
5. Be disappointed with their actions, not angry with the child.
6. Love them through the process of maturing.
Also, learn more about the stages of learning, (1) Acquisition, (2) Fluency, (3) Generalization, and (4) Adaptation in this episode. Follow the host Alicia Ramsey on Instagram at @LadyRamsey and Twitter at @LadyARamsey. Listen and share on the She Words Facebook page, or e-mail us at aramseyconsulting@gmail.com.
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