• Parish Insights

  • 著者: Fr. Mike Lee
  • ポッドキャスト

Parish Insights

著者: Fr. Mike Lee
  • サマリー

  • There are, small changes that you can make in your lifestyle that will promote good health. The world seems to be going bonkers which can cause you stress. We hope our podcast will lift your spirits and help with your overall well being.
    Fr. Mike Lee
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There are, small changes that you can make in your lifestyle that will promote good health. The world seems to be going bonkers which can cause you stress. We hope our podcast will lift your spirits and help with your overall well being.
Fr. Mike Lee
  • Giving Your Prayers a Boost with Power

    God wants to communicate with you in a personal and powerful way. As you grow in your prayer life, He may speak to you directly, or give you a word to share with others. Join us as we are continuing our series on the power of prayer.

    Web Site: Parish Insights – Bringing the good news of the gospel to a fallen world

    You Tube: Divine Inspirations for You

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    18 分
  • Pray with Power

    In this podcast we continue our study of the power of prayer. God's desire is for us to have a communication hot line with us. Listen and learn our we can better communicate with God.



    Be sure to "like" us on you tube and your podcatcher.

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  • The Power of Prayer

    In the Bible we see Jesus going away to pray again and again. Why? He must have thought it was important.

    He was communing with God, His Father.

    Getting Directions and Gaining strength

    In the same way, we want to understand God’s plan for prayer and become more effective as we pray.

    These podcasts are a tool for you to consider the ways we need to improve and grow in our ability to pray effectively.

    Scripture references

    • He set the boundaries of people and nations, determining
    • their appointed time in history. (Acts 17:26)
    • Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
    • subdue it. (Gen 1:28)
    • Then he believed in the Lord and He reckoned it to him as
    • righteousness. (Gen 15:6)
    • Without becoming weak in faith, he (Abraham) contemplated his own body, now as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able to perform. Romans 4:19-20)
    • We are new creations. Old things are passed away,and all things become new. And all of these new things are of God, who reconciled us to Himself. (II Cor 5:17-19)

    Website: parishinsights.org



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    21 分

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